Andrew Sandler’s reef tanks are a cumulative 1,600 gallons of awesome

Andrew Sandler, or his online alias Hedgedrew, is a dedicated and real hardcore reefer with several amazing set ups. A cumulative total of roughly 1,600 gallons comprising numerous set ups, including amongst others a 1,250 gallon SPS tank, a butterfly…

Hong Kong through Digiman’s eyes part 2: A hat-trick of ultra lemonpeel hybrids

This is a continuation of Digiman’s two-part Hong Kong travel experience. In part 1, we took a look at the collection of two renowned HK reefers, namely Dr. Chung and Jimma Ma. Here, we take a quick look at Digiman’s…

Hong Kong through Digiman’s eyes part 1: Legendary reefers Dr. Chung and Jimma Ma

Here’s another exciting Reef Builders travelogue showcasing the sights and adventures of the reefing scene in a foreign country. Like our Japan and Bangkok travelogues, we visit yet again another Asian country – the mystical land of Hong Kong. This…

Captive raised maze angels land at Quality Marine

The maze angelfish, Chaetodontoplus cephalareticulatus, is one of the elusive species of large marine angels that we’ve been particularly obsessed with for quite sometime. To make up for practically never seeing any specimens in the country, we’ve frequently shared amazing…

Coral of the Month: Introducing the Hurlock Acropora from Bali Aquarium

Today we kick off the start of our Coral of the Month series in conjunction with Bali Aquarium. What makes this series unique is that in most cases we will try to tell you about a new coral both how…

LiveAquaria makes historic first aquarium offering of the line-spot triggerfish

Xanthichthys lineopunctatus is a triggerfish so rare that it doesn’t even have a real common name, but that hasn’t stopped LiveAquaria from scoring the first ever live specimen for the aquarium trade. LiveAquaria is going with the Fishbase common name…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Deep water Chromis sp

This deep water undescribed Chromis species is a lesser known fish that has been living in the shadows of the deep, as well as the recent haul of Peppermint angels. The recent peppermint collection has created much buzz around the…

Orange jaguar spotted Indophyllia is a cacophony of colours

We’ve seen the previous jaguar Indophyllia in green and red at Age of Aquariums and Cherry Corals before, now here’s here another in stunning orange. Or pink. The fleshy coral donned in spot pattern is a mixture of orangey pink…

Keeping butterflyfish in reefs: What to look out for and what to avoid

Butterflyfish are the quintessential reef inhabitant. Take a look at any coral reef picture, video, documentary, poster, you name it. There’s a high chance a colourful butterfly is flitting around there somewhere. The same is not to be said in…

Take your iPad underwater because iDive, that’s why

When you first hear about the iDive underwater iPad case, the notion of taking your computer tablet underwater seems superfluous to many of us. But for the divers in the room, being able to use the iDive to do some…