Reef Nuggets 1: Damsels in disguise

Here at ReefBuilders, we keep our readers on their fins as we strive to deliver the latest aquarium happenings around the world. At the same time, we also try to pepper our blogroll with informative posts so as to keep that…

Behind the face of LiveAquaria – Kevin Kohen’s fish collection part 3

We’ve come to the final installation of our three part mini series featuring the private fish collection of Kevin Kohen. This last post covers Kevin’s nano tank, so it won’t be a long post as there aren’t many fish in…

Pseudojuloides edwardi: a spectacular new wrasse species is named after a fellow aquarist

Pseudojuloides edwardi is a new species of slender pencil wrasse from Mombasa Kenya which was actually discovered in a fish store, long time friend of the Reef Builders team, Greenwhich Aquaria. The new species is named in honor of one of…

Digiman revisits BlueHarbor and closes 2013 with a spectacular bang

We are closing this year with one last travel story and it’s contributed again by rare fish expert Digiman from Singapore. Following up on his Hong Kong trip, Digiman visited Japan as a final pit stop to his year end…

Our top six smashing aquarium debuts of 2013

Here’s another 2013 recap, but this time, we’re featuring smashing aquarium debuts of 2013. Yes that’s right, 2013 is a year of first times, and these five fishes have had their moment in the spotlight in the past months. While…

The five best new reef fish species of 2013

As in previous years, 2013 has been an excellent year for new species of reef fish being discovered, and described. As usual there’s been a lot of Eviota and Trimma gobies, the dwarf gobies are plentiful, and there’s been a…

Hong Kong through Digiman’s eyes part 1: Legendary reefers Dr. Chung and Jimma Ma

Here’s another exciting Reef Builders travelogue showcasing the sights and adventures of the reefing scene in a foreign country. Like our Japan and Bangkok travelogues, we visit yet again another Asian country – the mystical land of Hong Kong. This…

Digiman shares his new Pseudanthias rubrolineatus and Cirrhilabrus claire in a video update

Digiman is back with a new tank update showing a glimpse of his exquisite collection once again. Fans of rare fish who follow Reefbuilders often should be familiar with this Singaporean reefer. With an extensive know how of deepwater rare…

BlueHarbor’s current inventory is brimming with the rarest reef fish

From the Southern Pacific to Curacao to Hawaii and homeland Japan, BlueHarbor never looked so amazing this week with what could be the most intense collection of fish ever at any one time. Just when we think the man in…

Halichoeres bathyphilus is one of many Curacao rarities from Dynasty Marine

Halichoeres bathyphilus may not look like much as a juvenile, but this deepwater Atlantic species is one of the most beautiful and elusive of its genus. In its initial phase, it is very difficult to distinguish from the many times…