Help defend the aquarium hobby by joining & supporting PIJAC

PIJAC, the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council is an important group doing very valuable work for the pet and aquarium industry. Whether you are a fish store owner, aquarium maintenance tech, and no matter if your “involvement” in the aquarium…

ORA Rubrocinctus is now identified as Amphiprion barberi – the Fiji Clownfish

ORA announced today that upon DNA testing, it has been confirmed that the fish they have been selling as the Australian Amphiprion rubrocinctus is in fact the Fijian species Amphiprion barberi.  How did this happen? In short, it happened because years…

Industry trailblazers Clive Bentley and Chris Turnier will be ReefStock’s Saturday speakers

ReefStock 2013 is fast approaching so it’s time to let ya’ll know who’ll be speaking and why these are the best guys for the job this year. We are incredibly pleased this year to expand to two days, with Clive…

2012 Marine Breeder’s Year in Review

As has become a tradition, it’s time again for a look back at the past year’s advances in marine fish breeding with our annual Marine Breeder’s Year In Review.  (see 2010, and 2011 Part 1, and 2011 Part 2, for…

Five things reef aquarists can expect in 2013

2012 was a good year for the aquarium industry, and companies kept the team of writers at Reef Builders more than busy by releasing post worthy new products. LED lighting is inching towards being the mainstream lighting technology, we saw…

SEASMART sets up Indiegogo campaign to crowdfund restart in the Philippines

The SEASMART program is taking to Indigogo — a crowdfunding website — to raise funds for its goal to transform the aquarium trade. You might remember EcoEZ SEASMART’s pilot program from Papua New Guinea that helped change the trade over there but…

Blackspot pygmy angelfish found living in Australia, net-caught and MAC certified

This feature of the blackspot pygmy angelfish is a great inaugural post from what will become a regular contribution from various team members of Cairns Marine. Being one of Australia’s largest marine life collectors comes with its perks and when…

Tiny coral eating butterflyfishes eating homemade food is a cute and encouraging spectacle

[youtube][/youtube] The short video above is really quite something. To see a whole bunch of obligate coral eating butterflyfishes munching on homemade food is not something you see everyday. Sure it has been done before with adults but the success…

MAC certified Bodianus paraleucosticticus from Holmes Reef is a stunning beauty

Bodianus paraleucosticticus is a rare and highly sought after hogfish that doesn’t doesn’t get much airtime in the aquarium scene. The five-striped hogfish has a large range which spans from PNG, Bali, Palau, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, and the Cook Islands. This…

Part 2 of a 2011 Marine Breeder’s Year In Review

The first installment of our 2011 Marine Breeder’s Year in Review was probably more breeding news than you thought could have happened in a single year.  Suprisingly invertebrates, new breeding products, and clownfish releases like the one pictured above only…