This Beverly Hills Reef Tank is Nothing But The Best [Video]

Every once in a while we come across a reef tank that is fueled by unlimited resources. It’s been a long while since we’ve since an uncompromising reef aquarium setup but Reef 301 in Beverly Hills is one of those…

This Hawaii Biotope Aquarium is the Best FOWLR Ever!

Reef tanks have all but taken over the saltwater side of the aquarium hobby but we’ve still got a special place reserved in our hearts for tanks dedicated to showcasing nice marine fish. Today’s feature is quite possibly one of…

Oddball Reef System Symbiosis

Symbiotic relationships are among the most interesting aspects of this hobby. A coral reef is a battlefield for real estate; however, there are still amazing examples of cooperation between completely different animals. Everyone is very familiar with clownfish and anemones,…

Best New Fish Species of 2016

2016 was chock full of new species of reef fish, more than any other year in recent memories. We had new species of wrasse, Anthias, basslets and of course, plenty of gobies but in contrast to other years, these didn’t absolutely…

A Few of My Favorite Fish

This time of year when they play “These are a few of my favorite things”, and I am in the Christmas mood I thought I would list some of my favorite fish. Besides just listing them, I would also loke…

A Deeper look into Mokupapapa Discovery Center’s Aquarium

We recently visited a very unique aquarium at the Mokupapapa Discovery Center in Hawaii. The mere size of this aquarium is not what makes it impressive but the beautiful and extraordinarily rare fish that it contain. While there are many…

Glowing Orange Suezichthys Wrasse collected in deep waters of Japan

Suezitchthys is a genus of slender wrasses which is hardly known in home aquariums, but we’ve got details about a second possible new species discovered in under a month. A few weeks ago we told you about the colorfully adorned new species of…

Dads and Tanks

The restaurants aren’t jam packed with patrons, there is no breakfast in bed and the cards are more funny than sentimental. But the grill is on, it’s Open weekend, and it’s the start of summer, so yes it is Father’s…

My new reef tank after three months

As we have all heard time and time again patience is a virtue, and in this hobby it is pretty much mandatory for long-term success. Truth be told, it is not really one of the virtues I am known for.…

Cyber Monday: Labridae Fishes: Wrasses $119, free U.S. shipping

If you haven’t picked up our latest book Labridae Fishes: Wrasses, today is a good day to do so. Rudie Kuiter, author of this spanking new volume on marine wrasses, is a world-leading expert on the family Labridae, with many fishes…