A good product is one that you didn’t know you needed until you tried it, and Maxspect’s new Pastel Reef Magnifier and Filter Lens has proved to be exactly that. In essence, the reef magnifier is similar to what we…
Search Results For: bowerbanki
How to Set Up a Nano Reef Tank
We’ve really been feeling it lately for nano tanks. We run much larger tanks for surgeonfish, but while we’re waiting for our Acros to grow in those we like to have some low-cost fun and set up nano tanks as…
Bowers are UCA’s favorite coral of all
Homophyllia bowerbanki is a classy-looking member of the Lobophylliidae family that we obtain primarily from Australia. The combination of those larger than Lords corallites, collectible color morphs, and patterns to rival their H.australis cousins has made them popular with reefkeepers…
Receiving Two Boxes of Rarities and Oddballs from Ultra Coral Australia
If you want to find the best and most interesting corals in the world you’ve got to cast a wider net, beyond just your LFS or local reefing group online. Aquarium events are one great place to encounter a wide…
Window Shopping Some Great & Affordable wysiwyg Coral Frags
It’s been a really long time since we shared some interesting and unique corals from around the web. With more online coral vendors than ever before we only got through a few pages of google search results before we had more than…
The EU Bans Five Important Australian Corals from Import
Another year, another ban, and this time its LPS corals from Australia. As of the 11th of January 2022 the import of wild-collected Duncanopsammia axifuga, Catalaphyllia jardini, Euphyllia ancora, E. paraancora and E. glabrescens is banned across the whole of…
There’s a Scolymia Party in the Australian Reef Wall Display [Video]
Australian Scolies, officially known as Homophyllia bowerbanki, are an Australian endemic coral that demonstrates some of the wildest colors of almost any coral species. As you may have guessed by now, the flat vertical aquascape in the Australian reef display…
Aussie Reef Tank Build Pt. 2: Aquascaping the Rock Wall
Aquascaping a brand new reef tank is at once one of the most exciting and also stressful periods of setting up a new coral aquarium. This is the period where the particular arrangement of rocks will determine the general look…