As far as miracle-materials for the aquarium hobby goes, you don’t have to look too far to see the monumental benefits of silicone. Firstly, silicone is instrumental in sealing panes of glass into boxes we like to call aquariums, but…
Search Results For: cone
Red Sea Sump Modification Kit is the Ultimate Silicone Cutting Tool
The Red Sea Sump Modification kit is a very useful accessory for removing glass partitions that are siliconed together. Consisting of not much more than a box cutter with a very thin metal ‘blade’, the Sump-Mod tool is intended primarily for…
ATB Quietly Updates Their Cone Skimmer with New Controllable Pumps
Aquarium Technik Burian, better known as ATB, is a company that made its mark on the aquarium world by introducing protein skimmers with a cone shaped body. This conical shape used to be a differentiating feature of ATB skimmers but…
RK2 Flexible Tank Adapter are a Modern Silicone Uniseal
RK2’s new flexible tank adapters are a welcome new refinement of one of our favorite plumbing accessories ever. If you’ve never heard of Uniseals, you’re sorely missing out on one of the greatest hacks of aquarium and aquaculture plumbing. Most…
Cone Snails Have a Very Sinister Strategy for Killing Prey
Palytoxin is not the only dangerous poison on the reef but the cone snail is packing heat in a very different kind of way. If you’ve never heard of cone snails, you’ve definitely seen their characteristically slanted shells and beautiful…
Royal Exclusiv Teases New XL Double Cone Protein Skimmer
The Royal Exclusiv Double Cone protein skimmer is the archetype for cone shaped protein skimmers in the aquarium world. For years the internal in-sump version of this skimmer has maxxed out with the Double Cone 250 but now it looks…
RedStarfish’s new skimmer is an inception of Cones and Bubble Diffusers
Red Satrfish is a nascent Chinese aquairum brand that has been iterating on aquarium designs at a pretty rapid clip. Their newest RSN Plus cone protein skimmers is one of their first which is attempting to improve on the now-standard…
Aquaforest Protein Skimmers use double cones and AquaBee pumps
The Aquaforest Protein skimmers are the latest pieces of tech from a new company that has mostly been making foods, salt and additives. What we like about the Aquaforest Protein Skimmers is their massive bubble diffuser plate, which is concentrated…
Avast Pegleg cone skimmmers get significantly refreshed design
The Avast Marine Pegleg cone protein skimmers have been given a significant upgrade in the latest iteration of the company’s cone skimmer. While there have been numerous revisions in the last five years, this is a more precise version with better…
First Impressions of the Aquamaxx ConeS Series Skimmers
Remember when an affordable skimmer meant an ugly piece of extruded acrylic paired with a pump that acted as both a heater and unsoothing noise machine? We remember. It used to be that the only way to retire the droning…