Reeflowers Gives You Four Ways to Use Caledonia Salts

ReeFlowers is a Turkish company offering a wide range of additives for saltwater, freshwater, planted tanks, ponds and terrariums. We caught up with ReeFlowers at Interzoo 2016 to learn more about their new Caledonia line of Reef Salts. The Caledonia line…

Custom Acrylic Sumps and more from 302 Aquatics

302 Aquatics is a small acrylic manufacturing company based in the USA that has been designing algae scrubbers and custom sumps since 2013. Their custom sump designs come in a range of colors and all their building materials, lights, PVC, and acrylic…

Stylophora: Achieve that SPS Aesthetic with Less-Demanding Corals

Stylophora are branching small-polyp stony corals from the Family Pocilloporidae. Stylophora shares that family with Pocillopora and Seriatopora, and the three together are the only genera in the family. As a result of their close relationship to one another, all…

Continuum Exxodus medias have cool tricks up their pores

Exxodus is an innovative new line of medias from Continuum Aquatics which have tremendous potential to advance biological and chemical filtration. The three different formulas of Continuum’s Exxodus media are each spiked with a different ingredient to boost and enhance the…

Giesemann Aquarium Water Test Kits

Giesemann Aquaristic revealed at InterZoo 2016 in Nuremberg Germany that they will soon be offering water test kits for a range of important water chemistry parameters. Better known for making high end reef aquarium lights with sports car paint jobs,…

Traveling reefer blues and the anxieties of the vacationing aquarist

Piling the kids in the car. The smell of the ocean and coconut sun screen. Getting up in the middle of the night so you can be on the road when there is not much traffic. These are some of…

Reef aquarium secrets, good or bad, we need to share them

Coca-Cola has secret ingredient 7X. What goes into Chanel No. 5 is known by only a couple of people and we have all seen a movie where discovering the secret formula was the plot. And truth-be-told, most of us know…

Labor Test: Fauna Marin launches its mail-in water testing service

The Labor Test is Fauna Marin’s answer to the growing popularity of mail-in water tests, especially the elemental diagnostics provided by ICP pioneer, Triton Lab. In stark contrast to the Triton double-vial water testing envelope, the Fauna Marin Labor Tests…

HydroClear & HydroClear XP, pre-rinsed activated carbon & GFO

HydroClear and HydroClear XP is Two Little Fishies’ new pre-rinsed and pre-packaged chemical media filtration products. Both media bags help to create clear and colorless water which is beneficial for the health of the aquarium corals, fish and invertebrates, and helps…

My new reef tank after three months

As we have all heard time and time again patience is a virtue, and in this hobby it is pretty much mandatory for long-term success. Truth be told, it is not really one of the virtues I am known for.…