Simplicity DC pumps redefine the value of controllable water flow

Simplicity Aquatics, the same company that is offering some inexpensive protein skimmers, is also bringing to market some price-busting controllable DC pumps. There’s nothing inherently special about the new DC pumps from Simplicity Aquatics, they’re more or less the same relabeled…

ReefGlass nano air driven protein skimmer

ReefGlass is a new company that has started offering a small glass protein skimmer for nano tanks. The ReefGlass is more or less an american-made copy of the Mame Glass protein skimmer that nano-reefers lusted over several years ago. While…

Tunze 9410 DC DOC Skimmer review Pt 1, first impressions

The Tunze 9410 DC DOC Skimmer is one of the company’s first two models of protein skimmer to feature a controllable DC needle wheel pump. With so many controllable protein skimmers essentially being only slight variants of the same design, and…

Top 10 great legacy aquarium products that are still being sold

A couple of weeks ago we lamented the fact that some pretty useless aquarium products are still widely available to purchase. Today’s piece is the flip side of that coin, with an overview of some great legacy products that you…

Top 10 most overpriced reef aquarium products

It’s no secret that the keeping saltwater fish and live corals in aquariums can be a very expensive hobby. Like any other hobby or purchase in general, the old adage “you get what you pay for” is generally true. Whether you…

Avast Pegleg cone skimmmers get significantly refreshed design

The Avast Marine Pegleg cone protein skimmers have been given a significant upgrade in the latest iteration of the company’s cone skimmer. While there have been numerous revisions in the last five years, this is a more precise version with better…

Some aquarium products we can’t believe are still being sold

In the early days of the reefing hobby, you could make just about any claim about the needs of aquariums and reef tanks and there’d hardly be anyone or anything to prove you otherwise. Long before the internet could come…

The coral-packed reef tank of Aquatic Art Inc.

With the reefing hobby’s increasing emphasis on frags and collecting corals rather than growing them, it’s becoming increasingly rare to see what a real grown out mini reef aquarium should look like. Thankfully, our old friend Cris Capp of Aquatic…

The Top 5 Tips for Beginner Reefkeepers

I started the hobby before the internet became widely used, and information was sourced mainly through local fish stores. I was lucky enough to have some decent ones, but it was limited, no doubt. Today, beginning hobbyists have to deal…

What is new and improved in the aquarium hobby?

For as long as I have been watching television or reading magazines and newspapers, the phrase “New and Improved” has been employed for just about every product on the market at one time or another. Whether it touted how it…