Photos of Cirrhilabrus cenderawasih and Paracheilinus walton give us a glimpse into the endemic life of West Papua

In a world abundant with coral reefs and geographical landscapes, no place captivates me quite like the amazing and wonderful West Papua. Isolated and disjunct from just about everywhere, the local flora and fauna both terrestrial and aquatic have evolved in…

The polyps of the weeping willow leather coral have gotten even longer

Earlier this year we shared with you a video of the Weeping Willow leather coral, a particular Sarcophyton species of soft coral that has been growing in aquaria since the nineties. At the beginning of the summer we began nourishing the aquarium water…

The new InterZoo products we expect to see at MACNA

Writing about the release of the Radion Mounting System got us to thinking about all the new products we reported on at InterZoo which American reefers will see for the first time at MACNA. While it may be four months…

The best MACNA ever is less than four weeks away

The 2014 MACNA committee, of which we are part, has been working its tail off for the better part of two years to put on the Mile High MACNA in Denver Colorado. In that time we have been extremely diligent in organizing…

MACNA schedule and full speaker lineup announced and online

The Mile High MACNA in Denver this year is shaping up to be very rich on content as evidenced by a prodigious list of speaker presentations. MACNA has just released the final lineup of speakers which not only will include…

Announcing the Fluval Sea Flores Expedition

We are proud to finally be able to share with you the announcement of the Fluval Sea Flores Expedition, a very special project that we’ve been planning for the better part of a year. Blogging from aquarium events, about happenings,…

Top 12 new reef aquarium products of InterZoo 2014

If one thing became clear walking the floor of InterZoo 2014 a couple of weeks ago, it’s that there an avalanche of innovation happening in every sector of the marine aquarium hobby and industry. The marine aquarium companies who displayed…

DaStaCo calcium reactor media is batch tested for purity

DaStaCo is a niche Belgian company specializing in the production of high-efficiency calcium reactors. To follow up on their exacting pursuit of the perfect calcium reactor, DaStaCo has teamed up with Triton Reef to provide high purity calcium reactor media.…

Photos of Paracheilinus nursalim by Eric Cheng are the best we’ve seen of this species

The West Papuan endemic Paracheilinus nursalim is not only the crème de la crème of Paracheilinus, it is also one of the newer members to be described; Discovered not too long ago in 2006, and described in 2008. This stunning gem is…

Bluefin Reactors are a fancy union of acrylic and molded parts

By now we’ve seen so many different biopellet and media reactors made for aquarium use that we hesitate to tell you about new models unless they are truly standing out from the crowd, as in the new Bluefin Reactors from…