Seeing Red: The Colorful, Cantankerous Maroon Clownfish

Many of the clownfishes have a well-deserved reputation for feistiness. But there’s one clown that makes all the others seem like milquetoasts by comparison—the maroon clownfish (Premnas biaculeatus) from the Indo-West Pacific. Though it’s among the hardier and more strikingly…

Turbinaria heronensis – an incredible story of coral comeback

I’ve been personally fascinated with Turbinaria heronensis ever since the first time I saw one in a book, but never could I have believed that I would ever get my hands on a whole colony of this fantastic species. Looking more…

The Psychedelic Sixline Wrasse

Whenever I’m asked to recommend a hardier, similarly sized, and equally attractive alternative to the green mandarinfish, the first species that usually pops into my mind is the sixline wrasse (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia). If you can acquire a healthy specimen, you’ll…

You Can Succeed with the Copperband Butterflyfish
Copperband butterflyfish (Chelmon rostratus) are among my favorite fish and have almost always been a staple in my tank since the saltwater hobby started in the 70s. It’s not just the beauty of the distinct black-bordered yellow stripes on a…
Golden-orange clownfish is a wild-collected stunner

What do you get when you cross a tangerine orange clownfish with a naked ocellaris? You’d probably end up with a mess, but in a perfect world where your clownfish-breeding hoop dreams come true on F1 (Like Matt’s Lightning clowns),…

A. nigropunctatus: The Pet-Like Dogface Puffer

Hobbyists with sizeable tanks who are looking for a truly pet-like fish won’t be disappointed in the aptly named dogface puffer (Arothron nigropunctatus). Looking rather like a pudgy beagle with fins instead of paws, A. nigropunctatus is loaded with piscine…

2013 Marine Breeder’s Year in Review part 2

This is the second part of our annual Marine Breeder’s Year in Review, part 1 can be seen here.  4th Annual Marine Breeding Initiative (MBI) Breeder’s Workshop To say it’s been a busy year is an understatement, so much so…

The vitiligo angelfish, and Centropyge colouration

The dwarf angelfishes of the Genera Centropyge and Paracentropyge are amongst our favorite reef fishes, in part for their fabulous array of colour morphs and hybrids. We’ve always been fascinated by the variety of these aberrant individuals, and seem to…

The mystery of Bodianus “kimura”- shocking information that will leave you asking for more

Recently, some light has been shed on a new species of Bodianus that has gotten everyone worked up. Some light has been shed, but not nearly enough, and we’re still scratching our heads at this Bodianus conundrum. The new species,…

2013 recap: Top six breakthrough aquarium fish

2013 is ending really soon and as always, we have our yearly recap on what’s hot in the aquarium scene. Before this year, these fish were almost always either unknown of, or simply classified as “book fishes”. Today’s post will feature…