Cairns Marine’s Yellow Mottled Hammer Coral has us going Bananas

We’ve handled a lot of hammer corals over the years, both Branching and Walling, but this Yellow Mottled Aussie Ancora from Cairns Marine stands out for its color, mottling pattern, and its uniqueness.   “This one came in a few weeks…

Coral-covered reefs mean starvation for parrotfish

The good folks over at Coral Sea Foundation have uncovered an interesting paper on parrotfish that challenges the existing norms on their role on the reef. Until now, Parrotfishes (Family Scaridae) were thought to be herbivores that eat algae and…

Receiving Two Boxes of Rarities and Oddballs from Ultra Coral Australia

If you want to find the best and most interesting corals in the world you’ve got to cast a wider net, beyond just your LFS or local reefing group online. Aquarium events are one great place to encounter a wide…

Bluelined surgeonfish inhibits coral growth says Coral Sea Foundation

The charitable organization Coral Sea Foundation has observed Bluelined surgeonfish, Acanthurus lineatus, actively suppressing coral growth at one of its monitoring sites, Lizard Island, on the Great Barrier Reef. Also known as the Lined Surgeon, or Clown Tang, A.lineatus is…

WAMAS donates $20,000 to the Living Coral Biobank Project

The Washington DC Area Marine Aquarist Society (WAMAS) has donated $20,000 USD to the Great Barrier Reef Legacy Living Coral Biobank Project. Based in Port Douglas, Australia, the aim of the project is to safeguard the biodiversity of all known…

ReefStock Australia is a big success down under

ReefStock – the global reefing event and the biggest reefing show in Australia – was held last weekend and proved to be a huge success for all the hobbyists and vendors who attended. Situated at the Sydney showground, ReefStock attracted…

Great Barrier Reef records highest hard coral cover in 36 years

The Australian Institute of Marine Science has reported a 36-year coral coverage high across the Great Barrier Reef for 2021/22. The greatest coverage increases were reported in the North and Central regions of the GBR, which is in direct contrast…

Tempestichthys bettyae is a tiny new ocean sleeper from the Coral Sea

A new species of reef-dwelling ocean sleeper has been described from Eastern Australia. Named Tempestichthys bettyae the tiny 12.4mm long fish looks like a goby but is in fact from the sister family of the true gobies, Thalasseleotrididae. The ocean…

New ownership for Corals Down Under 

July 1st, 2022 sees Australian coral exporter Corals Down Under taking on new owners. First established in 2013 by Alex and Rebecca Doll, CDU has established itself as a major coral exporter from the Great Barrier Reef, and under its…

Dalua tease Great White Wavemaker flow pump

Australian equipment brand Dalua has released packaging pictures of a new DC flow pump called the Great White Wavemaker. Launching at Reefstock Australia this August, information on the new wavemaker is scant, but based on pictures of the box alone,…