Soil Bacteria F1 takes its cue from the land to clean up your tank

Soil Bacteria F1 is a unique product from Japan that is an aerobic and anaerobic bacteria composite to reduce organic buildup in your reef aquarium. A reefer in Japan worked with a Japanese bacteria company that focused on soil to…

Reef Aquarium Carbon Dosing Clarified

Carbon dosing is a relatively new phenomenon in the reef aquarium hobby. The first I heard about it was around two years ago, and I hadn’t given it a whole lot of thought until recently. The goal of carbon dosing…

Fish Health Through Slime

Fish diseases—they are the meat of fish forums and the subject that takes up the most ink (or whatever causes words to form on a computer screen), so for today’s post, I am going to discuss fish immunity in relation…

DVH BioGro 1-2-3 looks to give your NP biopellets a boost

DVH, who first introduced the reefing world to the NP biopellet and the solid carbon dosing craze, has a new supplemental product to give your biopellets a boost. DVH BioGro 1-2-3 will work alone or give the pellets a hand…

WTF are Aqua-Crobes?

When we came across the name, we had to ask ourselves “WTF are Aqua-Crobes?” After reading more about it, we discovered that DVH Aqua-Crobes is a new product that looks to do battle with pathogenic bacteria by releasing positive bacteria that compete…

BioPronto Marine is Two Little Fishe’s solution for instant aquarium cycling

BioPronto Marine is a new product you should reach for when you need to kickstart a new marine aquarium or system. Two Little Fishes has been on a roll releasing new aquarium management products lately, like Bactiv8 NPX and now BioPronto Marine. Whereas…

Bactiv8 NPX is a new bacterial culture from Two Little Fishies

Bactiv8 NPX is a new bacterial additive from Two Little Fishies with the purpose of boosting the quantity and diversity of heterotrophic bacteria in reef tanks. Bactiv8 NPX contains active marine bacteria that aid in the nitrification and denitrification and…

Arsenic-based lifeform may be revealed by NASA later today

Take this with a grain of salt arsenic, but this morning the internet is aflutter with rumors of an exciting new discovery that NASA is set to reveal this afternoon. The word on the internet corner is that NASA has…

Product inspired by sharks to fight bacteria and keep ship hulls clean

Science has always been looking at nature to inspire new ways of tackling day-to-day issues and one company is exploring shark skin as a way to fight bacteria as well as methods to keep bio-films and barnacles off hulls of…

LEDs used to combat bacteria, possible future for aquariums

Scientists in the UK have developed a method to battle superbugs and bacteria using LED lighting that could help change the way we battle parasites and bacteria in our aquariums. Developed for use in hospitals and laboratories, the technology uses…