Bleaching Reduces Reproduction in Giant Clams, Tridacna gigas

A study into the effects of increased seawater temperatures on Giant Clams has shown that it not only causes massive mortalities but also directly affects survivors’ reproductive performance. In a paper published last year, researchers monitored the direct impacts of…

Giant Clam Poop Could Help Corals Recover from Bleaching!

Last September a study was published taking a close look at giant clam poop, more accurately described as fecal pellets. We previously shared this story but wanted to circle back to it to really drive home one interesting point about…

The Clearest Macro Time Lapse Video of Growing Acropora

Time lapse and macro videos are one of the best tools we have to shine a light on coral ‘behavior’. Since corals don’t move like other animals, and their reactions to the environment are a very different time scale from…

Can You Transplant Zooxanthellae To Bleached Corals?

Coral bleaching is a huge problem out in the ocean, but it can also be an issue in home aquariums. Sometimes we have the urge to rescue a bleached coral or anemone we spot for sale, and other times the…

New study finds that biodiversity doesn’t always equal resiliency

A recent study suggests that corals with greater diversity of symbiodinium (aka zooxanthellae) are more sensitive to environmental changes than corals with fewer variety of symbiodinium. Published by the Royal Society Biological Sciences, the research breaks down the corals as…