Download Blue Harbor’s 2016 calendar for free right now!

The Blue Harbor Calendar has been an underground cultural motif for rare fish geeks all over the world for many years now. The iconic calendar has been printed in increasing quantities over the last few years, but until now this celebration of…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Cirrhilabrus roseafascia from the Coral Sea

Among the two dozen or so most commonly encountered fairy wrasses, the elusive rose banded fairy wrasse, Cirrhilabrus roseafascia is not among them. This species is a relative newcomer to the documented fairy wrasse group, having only been described in 1982.…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Roa excelsa

Roa excelsa is a unique deepwater butterflyfish that is part of a very interesting genus of reef fish. The Excelsa butterflyfish has three sibling species including Roa modesta, Roa jayakari and the fairly new Roa australis. We’ve featured the modest butterflyfish,…

Plectranthias sp. Curacao is in the good hands of Blue Harbor

The new species of Plectranthias that was recently collected from Curacao is probably the first of its kind to make it into a home aquarium. We first featured this fish with a post from Joe Oliver at the source, and…

Omegophora pufferfish appears in Japan

In our recent article on rare dogface pufferfishes, we were able to cover every species except for the one which inspired the article. The image below is of an Australian pufferfish which has recently made its way to Blue Harbor in Japan,…

Ultra rare aquarium video of Centropyge nahackyi

There’s been a veritable parade of new and rare angelfish entering the aquarium hobby as of late, it’s getting a little hard to keep up with it all. Between the Ballina angelfish video, captive bred personatus angelfish, scribbled and hybrid…

Peppermint Angels are officially making their way around the world

As we all know, there are thousands of different species of fish available in the aquarium trade, and we all have our favorites. There is no denying, however, that the Peppermint Angelfish, Paracentyropyge boylei, is by far one of the most highly…

Peppermint & Narcosis angelfish together in one aquarium

Is there anything more captivating than seeing a peppermint angelfish and a narcosis angelfish together in one tank? That’s a trick question because if you answered yes, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to learn that a recent video from Blue Harbor reveals a…

Five live peppermint Angelfish make their way to Blue Harbor Japan

Somewhere in Osaka Japan, down deep in the fish conditioning vault of Blue Harbor Aquariums, rests no less than five little treasures from the Pacific Ocean, the illustrious peppermint angelfish, Paracentropyge boylei. The quintet of holy grail reef fish arrived…

Blue Harbor’s baby Rainfordia is irresistibly adorable

For the longest time the flathead perch, Rainfordia opercularis, existed firmly in the realm of “book fish”, a species that we know exists but which we believed we’d never see outside the pages of a book. Then in 2011 came a…