Centropyge debelius, rare look at the blue Mauritius angelfish

Centropyge debelius is one of the least well known species of pygmy angelfish and as rare as we make it out to be, a few are collected here and there in Mauritius. As you might expect, the Blue Mauritius Angelfish…

Tigerpyge trio are holding colors in aquarium life

It’s been far too long since we’ve featured a real nice hybrid angelfish morph so we thought to revisit the Tigerpyge living in Hong Kong. Three of them to be exact, living happily together in the aquarium of frequent contributor…

Rapture of the Deep – The elusive Narcosis Angelfish

Nitrogen Narcosis, The Martini Effect, and Rapture of the Deep: all are terms used to describe the effects of the alteration in consciousness when diving to depths greater than 100 feet (30 meters).  This temporary and reversible effect is similar…

Hypomelanistic flame angelfish looks completely transformed from the original

Unusual flame angelfish seem to get a lot of attention here on the front page of Reef Builders but considering the vast numbers of Centropyge loricula made available to aquarists every week, these unique flames are truly rare. The latest example…

Third recent Tigerpyge collected from Bali

Of all the hybrid angelfish out there the Tigerpyge stands gills and fins above the rest for the most stunning amalgamation of features from two dissimilar species. Resulting from the cross of a Centropyge eibli and Centropyge flavissima (the Indian…

Coral Beauty angelfish hybrids seem to be the result of three way hybridization

Just when we think we’ve seen it all when it comes to pygmy angelfish hybrids, along comes not one but a pair of unusual coral beauty angelfish which make us rethink this whole concept of hybridization. Classically, what we are…

LiveAquaria sells $5000 narcosis angelfish almost immediately

In case you were wondering where Quality Marine’s first Americanized narcosis angelfish went to, LiveAquaria has been keeping and conditioning this fish for the last several months. After thoroughly documenting the Centropyge narcosis and thoughtfully acclimating it to aquarium life, today…

New form of aberrant coral beauty angelfish looks truly weird

Just when we thought we’d seen just about every iteration, aberration and permutations of the way that coral beauty angelfish can get funky, one comes along with a while new swag. Whereas many of the aberrant coral beauty angelfish look…

Hyper red flame angelfish makes its way to South Africa

Pygmy angelfish variants are cool but few can compare to aberrant flame angelfish when the colors of Centropyge loricula get put on overdrive. The deep dark black tiger stripes have been replaced with deep red ones on a yellow-orange body…

Blackspot pygmy angelfish found living in Australia, net-caught and MAC certified

This feature of the blackspot pygmy angelfish is a great inaugural post from what will become a regular contribution from various team members of Cairns Marine. Being one of Australia’s largest marine life collectors comes with its perks and when…