PicoGrow, PicoTumble & PicoFree Reactors from Printed Aqua

Printed Aqua is the latest company to apply their 3D printing know-how to fun and useful aquarium accessories with a special emphasis on the very smallest of reef tanks. The Printed Aqua catalog includes a small skimmer and a CO2…

Algae Reactor Pro from Pacific Sun

The Algae Reactor Pro is a solidly built new macroalgae and Chaetomorpha reactor from Pacific Sun. Pacific Sun is making the Algae Reactor (AR) Pro in four sizes, a small, medium, large & jumbo XXL models, each with sturdy white…

ITC Aquatics offers another algae reactor option for UK reefers

ITC Aquatics, mainly a UK distributor of major global aquarium brands, has recently released a line of Algae Light Reactors (ALR) in three separate sizes to combat nitrates and phosphates in the aquarium.  Similar to other chaetomorpha scrubbers, it follows an…

Making a DIY Chaetomorpha Reactor is Incredibly Easy

Since the dawn of mini reef tanks, exporting nutrients to keep aquarium water clean has always been one of the most important tasks to having a successful, thriving tank. Between activated carbon to protein skimming, carbon dosing and denitrification, algae scrubbers…

Unique Corals unveils new Pax Bellum N12 nano chaeto reactor

The Pax Bellum Chaetomorpha reactor is one of the more interesting new products to hit the aquarium scene last year. To date most of the Chaeto-filters from Pax Bellum have been made for rather large tanks, but at ReefStock we spied…