You Won’t Believe The Age of this Tank-Grown Trachyphyllia

It has long been a mystery how old, exactly, some of these solitary, large polyp stony corals are when we get them in our aquariums. We’ve been growing out SPS corals, zoanthids and some Euphyllia from single corallites for years,…

Healthy Reefs Produce More Baby Corals

A recent study from Curaçao has shown that healthy coral populations can produce up to 200 times more juvenile corals than degraded coral populations. Researchers found that healthy corals had a higher percentage of successful parents which produced up to…

Corals Spawn More Than You Think! Video Of Coral Spawning In Bonaire
Caribbean Coral Spawning It's that time of year again when corals around the Caribbean synchronize for one night of release. But did you know coral aren't restricted to a single night of spawning each year? It is widely believed that coral…
Adorable Video Perfectly Illustrates The Life Of A Coral

We came across this adorable video from Honolulu Civil Beat Inc which perfectly illustrated the life of a coral. While it may be second nature to aquarist why corals are important, and how they reproduce, there are still people who see corals…

Horniman’s ‘Lab Grown’ Tenuis Acros Are The REAL Limited Edition Corals!

For the last twenty years a certain subset of wild corals have been deemed to be ‘limited edition’, but since these come from the boundless ocean, how limited could they be? Well today we have what is perhaps one of…

Cali Tort Spawned In Captivity, In Canada Of All Places!
When you think of coral spawning, the last place that comes to mind is Canada. So last week when we got an email from our hometown we thought this story was too good not to share. Reefkeeper Adam Sutherland shares…
Coral Settlement Project In Mozambique

Coral Settlement Project Corals are fascinating animals which can reproduce sexually through spawning and asexually through fragmentation. In Mozambique scientist are studying coral spawning and, in particular, where these tiny coral larvae settle onto the reef to gain insight into the long-term…

Incredible Timelapse Video of Spawning Flower Anemone!

Flower Anemone Spawning In September of last year, Dynasty Marine sent me a box of flower anemones (Epicystis crucifer) to set up a Caribbean biotope aquarium. While the aquarium has gone through some growing pains and at the moment is not very…

A Visit to The Horniman Museum and Gardens

During the early days of the hobby there was sort of a barrier that existed between hobbyists, public aquarists and researchers that only some individuals like Bruce Carlson crossed. As a result, at MACNA V in 1993 in Toronto, many…

Coral Reefs in the 21st Century: Reasons to Hope and to Despair

International Aquarium Congress | Day 3 We’ve all heard the doom and gloom reports of dying, degraded, bleached reefs, but is the situation really that bad? Dr. James Guest gave a keynote address to Congress delegates to discuss reasons for…