Dalua tease Great White Wavemaker flow pump

Australian equipment brand Dalua has released packaging pictures of a new DC flow pump called the Great White Wavemaker. Launching at Reefstock Australia this August, information on the new wavemaker is scant, but based on pictures of the box alone,…

Aussie Reef Tank Build Pt. 2: Aquascaping the Rock Wall

Aquascaping a brand new reef tank is at once one of the most exciting and also stressful periods of setting up a new coral aquarium. This is the period where the particular arrangement of rocks will determine the general look…

Great White 10 Protein Skimmer from Dalua Australia Review

The new Great White skimmers from Dalua Australia are sleeper powerhouse of protein removal and organic export. It’s easy to look at their unassuming size and judge their unremarkable appearance as just another protein skimmer company, but these fractionators definitely…