The Deltec SC 1660 is Deltec’s first protein skimmer powered with a DC pump. Deltec may have been the first to use the pinwheel protein skimming design, they are totally fine being practically last to incorporate a controllable DC pump…
ReefGreenTech’s uniquely designed R200DC cone skimmer gets a video overview
When it comes to breakthroughs in protein skimmer designs, Germany and the U.S. come to mind, but France? Not so much. That might change with a new protein skimmer design from ReefGreenTech that has a seemingly familiar appearance, but functions…
Orphek Helix offers a twist on the widespread DC Cone skimmer
Orphek is already known for its LED lights but now are entering the protein skimmer market with a protein skimmer. Over the past few years, the cone design and controllable DC pumps have become the go-to design for mode and…
Reef Octopus DC-X video shows the dense frothy cloud of the CoralVue POV
The march of the DC controllable skimmer pumps is in full swing, with the Reef Octopus DC-X being one of the first to market with the new open volute design. You may recall that towards the end of last year…
The new Pipeless Skimz Monzter VSC Series skimmer are the smallest skimmers using DC pumps we’ve seen yet
DC pumps are the future of skimmers, and nearly every single new (consumer grade) protein skimmer that has been released in the past couple of months is re-affirming just that. These new Skimz Monzter VSC Series DC skimmers are special however…