The Magnificent Magenta Dottyback

Despite their diminutive size, many of the dottybacks have a well-deserved reputation for aggression. In fact, some species, such as the royal dottyback (Pictichromis paccagnellae), are so belligerent that it can be difficult to match them with suitable tankmates, as…

Gomphosus varius: This Wrasse is for the Birds!

It always seems that the more exotic looking a saltwater fish is, the more challenging it is for hobbyists to keep. Fortunately, such is not the case with Gomphosus varius, the aptly named bird wrasse. This hardy, intelligent, attractive species…

6 Tips for Choosing the Right-Sized Tank for Saltwater Fish

Have you ever noticed that species profiles written about marine fish almost always include a recommended minimum tank size for the species? Have you also noticed that tank-size recommendations for the same species can vary wildly from one author, dealer,…

Tips for Adding New Fish to an Established Community

Here at Saltwater Smarts, we frequently advise our fellow salties to introduce fish species to an aquarium in the order of least aggressive to most aggressive. Using this tactic goes a long way toward ensuring peaceful cohabitation in a fish…

4 Marine Fish Compatibility Blunders to Avoid

The realm of human interaction can be remarkably complicated. But generally speaking, as long as certain social conventions and legal constraints are observed, most people will manage to coexist in peace and seldom resort to violence. Only in cases of…

4 Reasons to Start with a Bigger Saltwater Tank

Many beginner saltwater aquarium hobbyists are tempted to “get their feet wet” with a small system, assuming it will require a correspondingly small investment of time, effort, and income to maintain. Then, the thinking goes, after nurturing their aquarium-husbandry skills…