RVS Fishworld spearheads Filipino net training and licensing program

In late August of this year, RVS Fishworld together with the Philippine national fisheries department spearheaded the first ever net training program in Santa Ana in the North of the country. The net-training program was financed primarily by RVS with…

Hands on with the Cubic Orbit 20 Jellyfish tank

Ever since I heard about the Cubic Orbit 20 Jellyfish tank, all I could think about was jellyfish, jellyfish, jellyfish. We first came across the Cubic Orbit 20 Jellyfish tank last year at InterZoo and couldn’t be more excited to set it up when…

Captive bred majestic angelfish revealed by Bali Aquarich

Majestic angelfish have now been spawned, bred and reared by Bali Aquarich, the trailblazer in captive breeding of aquarium angelfish. With more than two years of snagging new captive bred angelfish ‘species firsts’ like it’s a race, Bali Aquarich can…

Fusigobius, Transparent Cave Goby now available from ORA

The Transparent Cave Goby is a newly bred species of Fusigobius recently announced by Oceans Reefs & Aquariums. We got a close look at the new captive bred fish from ORA at their MACNA booth and this fish might not win…

SciShow explains the different ways that fresh and saltwater fish get water

Aquarists spend a lot of effort trying to get the salinity levels in their marine aquariums just right. And if they don’t they really should since fish have evolved special mechanisms to regulate the content of water inside their body in…

The Marine Aquarist’s Greatest Asset

If someone were to ask you (perhaps with a gun held to your head, as is so often the case in these hypothetical scenarios) to identify the one thing that no aspiring marine aquarist should be without, what would your…

Do you ever get that feeling? The High. Are you a fish geek too?

Obsessed. To be obsessed about something. It’s such a beautiful word. Loud. Expressive. Used to convey an insufferable expression of fixation about something. Isn’t it wonderful? To be filled with that mind controlling thought. The poison that drips from the very cosmos of…

Friday Smorgasbord: Why fish smell, stupid human tricks, circuit pen, cold corals, nudis and more

Welcome to this addition of the Friday Smorgasbord. We have a few fun ones lined up for you today. Ever wonder what makes fish smell, well fishy? It has to do with the natural process of decay and some physiology…

Fish may be smarter than we think

Fish might be a lot smarter than we think. Recent research poses the cognitive and perceptual abilities of fish often match or exceed those of other vertebrates, and there’s strong evidence that they feel pain. They are probably the most utilized creatures on earth by…

Friday Smorgasbord: Old seas, strange fish and 3D maps

It’s Friday and here is another edition of our weekly smorgasbord of weird, wacky and interesting. Starting off is the discovery of a 100-million-year-old ocean found under the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia. US Geological Survey (USGS) hydrologists drilling discovered what…