Myripristis botche, the lesser known but beautiful blacktip soldierfish on display during Aquarama 2013

If you think Soldierfishes are something unattractive and common, you’ll be sure to change your mind after one look at this exquisite fish that was on display at Aquarama 2013. The subadult Blacktip or Finspot Soldierfish became an instant hit during…

Friday Smorgasbord: Algae apartments, ocean currents and more

The worlds first algae-powered building is now operating in Hamburg, Germany. The 15-unit apartment building uses 129 algae filled louvered tanks hanging over the exterior of the south-east and south-west sides of the building. The algae grows and shades the building…

Friday Smorgasbord: Coralbots, shark-stalking robots and a tongue-eating louse

We all made it through the first month of spring and have another fun edition of the Friday Smorgasbord to set your weekend off in a fun, entertaining way. First off, we have to say we do have a thing…

Friday Smorgasbord: “You might be a redneck…” edition

Nothing like opening a Friday Smorgasbord with a Jeff Foxworthy-esque statement, “You might be a redneck when you get your feathers ruffled over dihydrogen monoxide in your water supply!” April Fool’s Day always comes with lots of groaners and a few…

Friday Smorgasbord: Saving reefs with antacids, fish molars and more

Ocean acidification and rising temperatures are taking its toll on our oceans’ reefs, but one team from Australia is testing a way to solve the issue by treating the water with an antacid. The team from the Carnegie Institution for Science…

Friday Smorgasbord: Fish radar, falling fish, fish on drugs and more

Yesterday may have been Valentine’s Day but today we have lots of fish love for today’s edition of the Friday Smorgasbord. We have fish radar, falling fish, fish on drugs and more today! Let’s start off with some interested news…

Tour de BlueHarbor – Part 1. Beyond the shopfront.

BlueHarbor is perhaps, one of the more iconic and reputable fish stores in the East and maybe even the world – Renowned for their incredible repertoire of some of the rarest reef fishes, as well as Koji’s incredible knowledge and…

Juvenile Neptune Grouper shows up in Singapore, retailing for a hefty price

Cephalopholis igarashiensis, more commonly known as the Neptune Grouper, is a stunning and highly prized deepwater fish that is very rarely  almost never encountered in the trade. There are few groupers that can rival the rarity and coloration of this…

Karen Talbot painting live at Reef-A-Palooza, amazing fish art for sale

Karen Talbot is once again at Reef-A-Palooza displaying her gorgeous art pieces for sale. Better yet, she’s also here painting in person and man has she got some talent! You can pick up her amazing art work in postcard sizes…

Toadfish noises much more than simple grunts and groans

The Toadfish is probably more well known for its unique swim bladder than its ability to make noises but a recent study by researchers at Cornell University may change that as toadfish may be sending complex information in the noises they make.…