Tracking wayward youth key to better reef management

Seems like “Finding Nemo” should have been more like “The Lost Boys” or “The Outsiders”. Right after birth, baby clownfish stray from home and scientists are playing truancy officers using the distance they travel as an indicator of the effects…

Sueviota tubicola, a New Species of Goby That Lives With Tubes

Sueviota tubicola may be the first described new species of goby this year, but we’re certain that it won’t be the last. Discovered in the hotbed of diversity that is Milne Bay in Papua New Guinea, this new nano goby…

The cutest new species of slippery goby, Lubricogobius nanus

It’s been a hot minute since we saw some new species of reef fish being described and so this next new species from Papua New Guinea is here to make sure we don’t go without. Lubricogobius nanus is a small species…

Papua New Guinean endemics on display by Paradise Aquariums at Aquarama 2015

Aquarama is a fish and accessories exhibition held biennially in Singapore, where exhibitors, exporters, industry authorities and hobbyists gather for a glimpse of the aquarium happenings in South-East Asia. Although Aquarama is mostly geared towards freshwater fish and their corresponding ribbon ponies, it…

Cirrhilabrus marinda, a cryptic new species of fairy wrasse similar to C. condei

Cirrhilabrus marinda is the newest species of fairy wrasse to be described, with the new fish being a very close offshoot of the common aquarium favorite, Cirrhilabrus condei. Marinda’s fairy wrasse looks very similar to Conde’s fairy wrasse with a nearly identical…

Stunning new species of Trimma dwarf gobies described from Papua New Guinea

There’s a fresh new crop of newly described species of Trimma dwarf gobies from Papua New Guinea and several of them are quite the lookers. The four new species described by Gerald Allen include Trimma abyssum, T. nauagium, T. chledophilum and T. multiclitellum. As you…

Rolling in the Deep in this awesome video from Papua New Guinea recently released this remarkable video shot in Papua New Guinea. While many other reefs and dive destinations in the Coral Triangle are dealing with the negative impact mankind has had on the local ecosystem, PNG is one of the…

Chromis howsoni, a new golden damselfish species from Papua New Guinea

Chromis howsoni is a newly described species of damselfish from that factory of new species in Papua New Guinea called Milne Bay. The golden-brown colored Chromis howsoni is very closely related to Chromis ambionensis differing primarily in coloration and habitat selection. Chromis…

Another PNG program looks to establish sustainable fisheries

Clownfish breeding is big business here in the US, however in areas like Papua New Guinea where harvesting from the reef itself is the norm, it is an entirely new ballgame. A recent project between Australian and Papua New Guinea…

Trimma irinae is a gorgeous new deepwater nano goby from Papua New Guinea

Trimma irinae is a new species of deepwater nano reef goby hailing from Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea. It may not be that novel to see a new species from Papua New Guinea, Milne Bay, or from the genus Trimma, but…