We Visited the ORIGINAL Coral Greenhouse Farm of Tidal Gardens

We just can’t get enough of the businessman, the speaker, the coral farmer, and the gentleman that is Than Thein, owner of Tidal Gardens, Ohio. And this time Remy transitioned from the ultra-clean, ultra-modern facility that we see in TG…

Reef Therapy Episode #64

Raj is away in South Africa on aquarium business this week, so Remy and Mark took the reigns at Reef Therapy and delivered one hour and nineteen minutes of soothing reefers chat. What we love about Remy is that he…

Corner Reef is the Antique Shop of Local Fish Stores

It’s no secret that the local fish store has struggled in this digital age. However, the Corner Reef in St. Louis is adapting and EXPANDING their footprint. Steve Babcock has owned and operated The Corner Reef for about 12 years…

Doug’s Perfectly Designed Fish Room & Stunning Custom Reef Tank

If you look up the word redundancy in the dictionary, you’ll find a photo of Doug Deurloo’s Reef. Did I mention that Doug’s reef is the definition of redundancy? Ok, I’ll stop.  During a recent trip to Indianapolis, I was…

Eco-Wheel Reef Tank Filter has been running for 21 Years! 

In this social media-filled world, it’s rare to find a hobbyist who isn’t posting photos and videos of their aquariums online. Well, I found one. During a recent trip to Indianapolis, I was able to catch up with an aquarium…

Remy joins Reef Builders!

Remy has been keeping aquariums, both fresh and saltwater, since the dial-up modem. He has been a professional radio personality for the last 20 years and has been heard on stations from St. Louis to Chicago and beyond.   While studying…

ReefStock Denver 2023 Video Part 1

Didn’t get to go to ReefStock? Want to see what you missed, or loved it so much you want to relive Reef Builders’ very own saltwater industry event? We reached out to YouTuber Remy from Bahama Llama Coral and gave…