While we have come a long way in the hobby and have improved our husbandry skills for keeping corals immeasurably over the past four decades, we still have much to learn, especially in the area of coral diseases. Having worked…
Acropora tenuis is both the easiest and the hardest at the same time
With 25 years at the top of the industry, the most popular Acropora in our hobby cannot be dethroned. So what’s so special about it? This coral gives everyone mixed feelings. It has a tendency towards sudden death, but if…
Don’t Freak Out About Minimal Tissue Loss on SPS Corals
SPS corals like Montipora, Acropora and many others are some of the most diverse, colorful and interesting stony corals we can keep and grow in aquariums. Along with their fast growth and incomparable colors comes some risk because their fast…
ReefGrow has a different approach to supplements
ReefGrow is a growing aquarium supplement and additive company that has a different approach to reef supplements. By eliminating water from their supplements they reduce the weight and packaging to reduce costs. Although the company has been out for a…
DVH Coral Protec is a new coral dip from Europe
DVH Coral Protec is a new coral dip from Europe that is making its way across the pond and into the US market. Although there is no shortage of coral pest eradicating products on the market not every one is…
RTN even happens to the best of the aquarium hobby
Right or wrong, rapid tissue necrosis (or RTN) is in this hobby often is seen as a newbie mistake — a sign of bad husbandry and a sign of bad decisions. Ironically this is a view mostly held by inexperienced…