Blanket Octopus are just one reason to pick up Ellen Prager’s new book

Who knew that there was such a thing as a blanket octopus with a self-defense mechanism unlike any other? Ellen Prager did and she wrote about the unusual blanket octopus and many other highly unusual facts about natural marine life…

Personatus angelfish video

[youtube][/youtube] If the masked angelfish, Genicanthus personatus, is a fish that just moves you and the video update from a couple months ago wasn’t enough, this morning you’re in luck. Just yesterday the owner of the tiniest masked angelfish ever…

Stunning videos of a juvenile and an adult male spotted angelfish, Genicanthus takeuchii

While most angelfish reserve their reverence for the Hawaiian masked angelfish, Genicanthus personatus, when it comes to swallowtail angelfish we hold the spotted angelfish, Genicanthus takeuchii, closest to our reefing hearts. You can imagine our excitement when we discovered not…

Plectranthias sagamiensis video from Blue Harbor

It’s no secret that Plectranthias fascinate us; P. nanus is a tiny one, P. xanthomaculatus was recently described from Taiwan and of course we have a red Plectranthias inermis running around our own tanks. Technically Plectranthias are an anthias but…

Baby bandit angelfish videos from Blue Harbor and B-Box Aquarium

Baby bandit angelfish, Apolemichthys arcuatus, from Hawaii seem to be popping up all over the place and two of Japan’s powerhouse rare fish dealers have stepped up with nice videos of their tiny bandits .Both Blue Harbor and B-Box Aquarium are…

Close up video of Lipogramma klayi from B-box Aquarium

We know it may seem like we have an unhealthy obsession with the rare and cryptic, deepwater Lipogramma klayi but we just can’t help ourselves. It’s only been a few weeks since we posted a video of Lipogramma klayi from…

From winemaker to coral farmer

[youtube][/youtube] Here is an interesting video that has shown up at, an internet video portal dedicated to German aquatics, showcasing a coral propagation farm set up in the middle of a hamlet most known for its wine production. The…

Bon’s lagoon has come a long way in just four months

[youtube][/youtube] Precisely four months ago we called out Vivaldi’s new reef tank as being destined for greatness. The set up of Bon’s Lagoon is meticulous; ultra modern trimless tank and low profile reefscape and high tech equipment including Ecoxotic LED…

Flip video camera gets retired, a sign of the future of video

Yesterday the home video market got a bit of sad news when it was announced the Flip video camera was being discontinued. Sure the Flip camera had ability to capture great video of your friend doing a faceplant skateboarding or…

Diving in Browning Pass, British Columbia is an Azoox paradise

This video show just why Browning Pass is referred to as “The Best Cold-Water Diving in the Known Universe.” If you aren’t familiar with the name, Browning Pass is located just outside Port Hardy in British Columbia on the northern…