We suppose it was only a matter of time before a “herbal” additive was made for our marine aquariums. Although we haven’t tried this new product called Herbtana, it advertised to reduce: “skin flukes(gyrodactylus), gill flukes (Dactylogyrus), Ich(ichthyophthirius multifillis), oodinum, costia (ichthyobodonecater), chilonella and trichodina. Parasite infections are characterized by symptoms, such as: milky skin, flashing and heavy breathing.” Like most of you are aware parasites are always present in fish and it is up to the immune system to fight these off, but when stress does happen these symptoms pop up. Herbtana supports the fish’s immune system with dealing with excess parasites, forcing them off the fish and in effect starving them with lack of a host. A bottle of the stuff will run you (4oz) about $8.
Herbtana microbe-lift the herbal immune-stimulating enhancer