The 9 watt internal UV steriliser from Mr. Aqua is a neat idea, there are very few small internal UV steriliser on the aquarium market these days. However, one drawback to having an internal US steriliser is that the size of the unit must be considerably smaller, as well as the bulb. Unfortunately, unless this 9 watt device is being used on a 10-20 gallon tank, it will do a decent job of killing bacteria and algae spores but your ich and crypt koodies will not be significantly affected. Furthermore, we hope that the included water pump is of the adjustable kind so that the kill-time can be fine tuned to target the desired organims: If the flow is too slow the UV will not sterilize faster than the rate of reproduction and if the flow is too fast, well your koodies will just pull out some sunshades and sunblock and thank you for the rays. If nothing else, this 9 watter from Mr. Aqua is a perfect quarantine tank accessory. There also exists 18 and 35 watt versions of the Mr. Aqua internal UV sterilizer but those units are also a good bit larger. Marine Depot will help you start irradiating your bugs for $75.
9 watt internal UV sterilizer from Mr. Aqua might give parasites a tan

Jake Adams
Jake Adams has been an avid marine aquarist since the mid 90s and has worked in the retail side of the marine aquarium trade for more than ten years. He has a bachelor’s degree in Marine Science and has been the managing editor of since 2008. Jake is interested in every facet of the marine aquarium hobby from the concepts to the technology, rare fish to exotic corals, and his interests are well documented through a very prolific career of speaking to reef clubs and marine aquarium events, and writing articles for aquarium publications across the globe. His primary interest is in corals which Jake pursues in the aquarium hobby as well as diving the coral reefs of the world.
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