If there’s any reef fish cuter than a tiny multibar angelfish then we haven’t seen it. Paracentropyge multifasciata is a fish with which we’ve been smitten since beginning in the hobby not only for its own bold color pattern but also for its close resemblance to the famous peppermint angelfish. If you like the look of P. boylei, the multibar angelfish is about as close as you are going to get. This pair of tiny multibar angelfish isn’t yet ‘paired’ up as they are only 1.5 and 1.0 inches long but at least they are pounding on the Cyclop-Eeze.
Unfortunately, there is a big disparity between the number of multibar angelfish brought in to the aquarium trade and the number that actually survive captivity in the long term. This is due to the multibar angelfish having somewhat picky feeding habits but also to the low quality of fish from the Phillipines that have to suffer through a very long chain of custody.
Thankfully we succeeded in addressing both of these issue by acquiring from LiveAquaria a pair of juvenile multibar angelfish from the Marshall Islands which eat a variety of foods and beg for it too. After editing a nice collection of photos of these tiny multibar angelfish we thought you’d appreciate seeing how cute these guys are compared to everyday aquarium life like hammer coral, cryptic wrasse, gnarly Leptoseris and so on.