With any computer plugged into to a Radion, you can get full control of Ecotech Marine LED lights and Mac users will finally feel the love. As an added benefit you can use your computer to control the Radion through any mobile device with an internet connection. Got an iPhone, or an Android phone or a Blackberry Playbook hacked to run Ubuntu? No problem. As long as your internet device can handle Java and HTML5 you’ll be able to use your Radion-connected computer to access all features of your Radion including programming, real time adjustment of different LED channels, quick playback of your light programming and group layout, coast to coast sunrise and sunset features and so on.
There is no cost to access the forthcoming EcoSmart Live service and we are very curious to know what else the cloud based EcoSmart Live service will be able to do in the future. If you can use the Radion to put your Vortech pumps in night mode via the EcoSmart Live service, what other potential features will be available to Radion + Vortech setups in the future? EcoSmart Live will go live towards the end of June after a short period of beta testing.