It was last year that ORA announced the black snowflake clownfish for the first time, and since then ORA has kept busy further breeding this black and white variety of clownfish. Now after almost a year of refining the black snowflake clownfish ORA is officially releasing a Premium grade black snowflake clownfish to differentiate their new clownfish phenotype from the original, and now called “Standard grade black snowflake clownfish” variety.
The ORA premium black snowflake clownfish is reminiscent of the Sea & Reef Phantom clownfish which was revealed shortly after the original ORA announcement, but it is clear this particular variety has been much refined for a more pronounced dotted pattern ORA describes as “swiss cheese”.
With the release of a premium black snowflake clownfish, ORA decided to drop the price on the standard black snowflake clownfish, which should be good news if you decided to hold off on buying them due to cost. You can still expect the premium black snowflakes to come at a premium penny however, at least initially. The premium black snowflake are available as of this week, so be sure to ask your LFS to order them if you are interested in acquiring them.