The Atlantik Pendant is a new light slated to be released by Orphek at MACNA. The Orphek Atlantik Pendant is powered with the same assortment of LEDs as their flagship tablet-shaped Atlantik reef aquarium fixture.
The Atlantik Pendant can crank up to 110 watts which are controlled via four channels and wireless connection just like the Atlantiks including the mobile applications, programs and settings. Orphek will be offering very similar options in the Atlantik Pendant including dual chip configuration, a wide range of lenses, including the convex lenses and tighter beam angle options for focusing light in very deep tanks as far down as 3 meters down.
Unlike the Orphek DIF LED pendants, the Atlantik Pendant LED is actively cooled with a centrally mounted fan within the heatsink fins. We should be able to find out more about the Orphek Atlantik Pendant when it is revealed at MACNA although we expect the base price of a single unit will be between $600 and $700.