The end of the year is a perfect time to reflect on the hobby and take stock of the last year, while looking forward to what’s to come. The reefing hobby can touch on all your emotions — the joy of adding your first fish or a new coral, the sadness of losing a prized fish or coral, the frustration of algae growth or other nuisances, the pride of solving a problem with a bit of DIY ingenuity, and plenty more.
There is also the time where we need to make decisions about where we go next. Is the 35 gallon all-in-one not enough for your needs? Have an eye on a big tank? Thinking about adding another system? Maybe even contemplating downsizing or getting rid of your tanks all together? Or even starting your first system or getting another one set up after a hiatus.
We want to know about your plans for 2016. Take our short poll and give us an idea of where the hobby will be heading in the next 12 months.
[polldaddy poll=9248935]