Eclectus, jawbreaker, Vincent’s Revenge, whatever you call it this is one of the nicest Discosoma corallimorph shrooms we’ve ever seen. Shared by Taiwan’s own VP Corals this single psychedelic polyp is really the cream of the crop for this group of thick tissued mushroom anemones.
This crossover Eclectus Jawbreaker is on par with the Purple Monster Jawbreaker from a couple years back with a splattering of all the colors we tend to see in this style of Discosoma. Deep red, dark purplish black clashes with splashes of bright green, orange and fluorescent yellow into one ridiculously colorful and coveted ‘soft’ coral.
While we may never get our hands on this particular Discosoma strain since it doubles the known number of polyps with all these colors like the PM JB, it is encouraging to know that there’s more of these fantastic corallimorphs yet to be discovered in the ocean. Although the thicker larger Discosoma like Eclectus and Jawbreakers grow slowly, at least they do grow and it is possible to propagate them so one day we may finally see a critical mass of these available in the reef aquarium hobby.