Maxspect is one of the most thoughtful and innovative brands of reef aquarium equipment and they were part of the first wave of companies that helped reefers put LEDs over their reef tanks. Their groundbreaking line of ‘turbine’ style Gyre pumps gave us a totally new way to produce water flow in our aquariums and the Jump brand has gained a solid gold reputation as an affordable but not cheap entry level option for skimmers, pumps and even lights.
With today’s announcement that Maxspect will be exclusively distributed by Aperture Pet & Life, the parent company of Bulk Reef Supply, Neptune Systems, Ecotech Marine and Aqua Illumination the availability of Razr lights, Gyre pumps, and all the Jump gear is only primed to increase across the United States. We’ve done our fair share of videos on every one of these really memorable products from Maxspect but we’re looking forward to seeing more reefers and creators share their experiences using these devices on their tanks.
We know that Maxspect is always working on new and innovative products for improving the reef aquarium experience and this new partnership with Aperture will only fuel the development process. Maxspect will be in good company joining Aqua Forest who will also become more widely available in North America under distribution by Aperture as they build up their supergroup of some of the most beloved aquarium brands in the hobby.