Coral Frag Tech is an up-and-coming company that revealed its new modular frag plugs and racks at Reefstock Chattanooga last year. They have something new up their sleeve.
Steve Nair, the owner of the company, posted a nifty design on his Facebook yesterday that I have yet to see anywhere else. It’s a frag plug with a hollowed-out center, which provides room for a soft coral frag to be placed in. A screw-in portion comes in the through side with a spiked tip. This allows the user to impact the soft coral and then screw the “spear” in place to ensure it holds the frag in position.

This is similar to the toothpick method many use for mounting soft corals, but it optimizes things a bit further. It is definitely preferable to the commonly used rubber band method, which is hard to dial in since the band being too loose allows the frag to float away, and it being too hard can damage or even kill the coral.
We recently received a shipment of Coral Frag Tech supplies from Mr. Nair to test out at the studio. Stay tuned for a full review coming soon.
Please visit here if you want to purchase any Coral Frag Tech goods.