Last week we learned that ICP ANALYSIS.COM is closing its doors for good, so TRITON has come up with a community support measure to help those who ICP test to keep on testing. How it works Reefkeepers in possession of…
Search Results For: bar code
Morse Code Flame Angelfish Beauty from Among The Reef
It’s been a good long while since we’ve seen a nice, novel aberrant pygmy angelfish specimen but the new Morse Code flame angelfish is just the fish we needed to break the drought. This lovely Centropyge loricula came from the heart of…
Wild Morse Code Maroon imported from Solomon Islands
Since 2010, in fish breeding circles the name ‘Morse Code’, which was first applied to a singular fish, has come to represent White Stripe Maroon Clownfish who display extra spots and bars, in some respects similar to the extra spots…
New Morse Code PNG Maroon Clownfish from Sea & Reef
Sea & Reef Aquaculture announced the release of their new PNG-lineage “Morse Code” Maroon Clownfish, Premnas biaculeatus. Lovers of the Lightning Maroon Clownfish, or for that matter any of the unusual Maroon Clownfish that came out of Papua New Guinea…
Cree XLamp MK-R LED reaches for the 200lm/w barrier
The just-announced Cree XLamp MK-R is an all new product that has some impressive specs behind it, one of which being a maximum output of 1769lm @ 85C. Cree just can’t seem to take a break. With the various updates to their…
Two Different Half Black Surgeonfish Collected an Ocean Apart
In the early days of freshwater ornamental fish breeding, one of the first mutations that consistently appeared in high profile species like angelfish and discus was a half black trait that originated at the tail. It seems like this mutation…