Birdsongichthys rectus and Robinsichthys nigrimarginatus are two new deepwater gobies from the Caribbean

Two new gobies have been collected and described from deep waters in the Caribbean Sea. New species Robinsichthys nigrimarginatus becomes only the second member of the genus Robinsichthys, while Birdsongichthys rectus is given both new genus and new species status. …

Lipogramma robinsi brought up from the depths for just the second time

Lipogramma robinsi is so rare it wasn’t until early last year that we saw our first pictures of a living specimen. Thanks to the work of the deep diving Curasub in Curacao, we’ve been fortunate to have a plethora of…

Brand new and better videos of the one and only Lipogramma robinsi

[youtube]![/youtube] We posted about the only captive Lipogramma robinsi in the world not too long ago, and then updated with a short video of it. The old video, nice as it may be, cannot compare to these brand new out of…

Blue Harbor’s close up video of Lipogramma robinsi shows this fascinating basslet in great detail

Just last week were thrilled to share the first great photograph of the almost completely unknown Lipogramma robinsi, the first specimen to be captured in a live photograph. This week the high rolling fish collectors at Blue Harbor have put…

Amazing Lipogramma robinsi captured from the deepwaters of Curacao

The spectacular Lipogramma robinsi pictured above is nothing short of amazing. The deep waters of Curacao harbor some amazing fishes that only up till recently familiarized themselves with fish enthusiasts world wide. Of which, the genus Lipogramma have always been at the forefront of…

Levi’s Caribbean Biotope Aquarium

I’ve always personally wanted to set up an aquarium endemic to a certain area of the ocean. I recently moved across the country to Florida, and with the move, I happened to have an empty 75-gallon aquarium. I figured if…

Lipogramma schrieri & L. barrettorum, two new species of Caribbean basslets

Deepwater basslets are a source of constant fascination, and a virtual wellspring of unknown fish. The latest species to come from this broad group are Lipogramma schrieri and L. barrettorum from the southern Caribbean.  We tend to loosely classify any fish living…

Lipogramma haberorum & L. levinsoni, two more new species of deepwater reef fish

Lipogramma levinsoni and L. haberorum are yet two more new species to be officially described in the last 24 hours. Hot on the heels of Plectranthias takasei, a fish we knew about but didn’t have a name for, are two new Lipogramma species, neither…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Lipogramma trilineatum

Today’s Awesome Fish Spotlight features a tiny basslet from the Lipogramma genus. All Lipogramma are small basslets confined only to the deep water reefs of the new world, namely the Atlantic. There are eight described species of Lipogramma, with undeniably…

Two new Lipogramma sp from Curacao, including a never before seen juvenile makes these the 4th and 5th known specimens caught alive

The incredibly deep and rare Curacao undescribed Lipogramma robinsi lookalike strikes again, and this time, two new specimens including a never before seen juvenile were caught by the Curasub. These two are currently the 4th and 5th specimens that we…