Despite being available in the hobby for years, the GNC BluRay LED lights remain one of the most unique aquarium light fixtures consisting of countless LEDs spread across the entire area of the light. The GNC BluRay Pro and M…
Join us for ReefStock Australia in Less than Four Weeks!
We’re less than a month away from hosting ReefStock Australia for the first time since 2019 and the anticipation has been building up for literally a thousand days. On August 6 & 7th the biggest reef aquarium conference in Australia…
The Studio’s Wall of Reef Aquarium Displays [Video]
The Reef Builders Studio was built with the express purpose of being a demonstration center for all things related to reef aquariums and today we’d like to show you ‘The Wall’. Unimaginatively named the wall is a series of four different…
Luxdium Replacement LED Pucks for AI Prime & Hydra
The AI Prime and Hydra line of lights are arguably some of the most popular LED aquarium lights the hobby has ever enjoyed, and a new company is planning to extend the lives of older models. Luxdium has been in…
Reefi Uno 2.0 Shines in New Pics of the Diodes
The Reefi Uno 2.0 is the newest generation of the ‘craft led light’ made in America that has gained a cult following by some of the more curious reefers in our hobby. Reefi first released the details of their second…
Top Milwaukee Products to Grab on Sale from Premium Aquatics
Premium Aquatics just announced that Milwaukee aquarium products are enjoying 20% and there’s a lot of great and useful accessories to consider for less than one hundred dollars. If you haven’t dabbled in digital devices before or if you’re looking…
A Multilevel Display for Shrooms, Chalices and Anemones [Video]
In our latest video we showed off the new incarnation of our Mode retail rack system which has been an integral part of the Reef Builders Studio for several years now. The multitiered aquarium system was initially purposed as a…
Captive Bred Nano Euphyllia Polyps are Adorable
There’s no question that Euphyllia (Fimbriaphyllia) have become some of the most popular aquarium corals of all time coming in a wide range of colors and tentacle shapes. Like many other collectors we have a couple dozen varieties spread across…
How Mouthbrooding Fish Evolved Multiple Times
Breeding aquarium fish can be one of the pinnacles of aquarium success but several groups of fish including jawfish and cardinalfish make it much easier due to one quirk of their parental care, mouthbrooding. Any one who’s kept african cichlids…
Chihiros Cooling Fan Gets Low Profile Design
The Chihiros Cooling Fan is a new aquarium cooling accessory with a very different form factor from the typical blowers available in the hobby. There are a lot of ways to keep the temperatures of your aquarium water down including…