Michael Paletta
Michael Paletta
183 Articles0 Comments

Michael Paletta has been keeping marine tanks since 1980 and reef tanks since the mid-1980s. During the past 40 years, he has written over 370 articles on reef tanks, marine fish, and invertebrates for both the US and Europe. His first book “The Modern Marine Aquarium” simplified marine fishkeeping for beginning hobbyists while at the same time incorporating advances that had been made due to reef keeping. His second book “Ultimate Marine Aquariums” illustrates how far the hobby had advanced during its first 15 years.

Dads and Tanks

The restaurants aren’t jam packed with patrons, there is no breakfast in bed and the cards are more funny than sentimental. But the grill is on, it’s Open weekend, and it’s the start of summer, so yes it is Father’s…

How to Reduce the Learning Curve of Keeping a Saltwater Aquarium

Since this hobby’s inception the dissemination of information has been one of the hallmarks of why we have gotten successful. But now that there is so much information, I sometimes question how it is we learn what works, especially when as…

The Coral Name Game

It’s all in the name. The name says it all. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. We have all heard countless phrases that extol the importance of a name. Last names like Miller or Baker referred…

Where have the large coral colonies gone?

Recently I came across a box of slides and began looking at the shots of the many tanks I had seen over the years and several things stood out. I have been fortunate to see a lot of tanks and…

Traveling reefer blues and the anxieties of the vacationing aquarist

Piling the kids in the car. The smell of the ocean and coconut sun screen. Getting up in the middle of the night so you can be on the road when there is not much traffic. These are some of…

The Decline of the Local Fish Store (And Some Possible Ways to Save them)

The mom and pop grocery store, the local hardware store, the corner Five-and-Dime are all stores that have for the most part vanished from our lives due to big box stores replacing them. Unfortunately the same thing is happening more…

Reef aquarium secrets, good or bad, we need to share them

Coca-Cola has secret ingredient 7X. What goes into Chanel No. 5 is known by only a couple of people and we have all seen a movie where discovering the secret formula was the plot. And truth-be-told, most of us know…

My new reef tank after three months

As we have all heard time and time again patience is a virtue, and in this hobby it is pretty much mandatory for long-term success. Truth be told, it is not really one of the virtues I am known for.…

The importance of testing reef aquarium water

During the first semester in my biochemistry class the professor started the class by bringing out two clear beakers into which he appeared to pour two identical clear fluids.  Once they were full, he pulled out a worm and placed it…

Things I hate in the aquarium hobby

In a recent psychology article I was reading about relationships, the author made an interesting observation. To paraphrase, the author basically said that our strongest friendships and most passionate love affairs may not simply be based on us liking the…