
Bounce mushroom sells for record $6,000 for a single polyp!

There was a lot of news to come out of this last weekend’s Reefapalooza in Costa Mesa California but the coral heads were all talking about one thing: a single ginormous polyp of the infamous Bounce Mushroom sold for a…

Gaudy, variegated jawbreaker-style mushroom anemone

Off-the-hook mushroom alert! This incredible Discosoma mushroom anemone just popped up from Pacific East Aquaculture. Dr. Mac was in Indonesia hand picking corals and he selected this beautiful mushroom anemone. The carefully cropped photo shows just one, and probably the nicest polyp on…

“Eclectus” mushroom anemone takes Jawbreaker shrooms to a whole new level

The Jawbreaker mushroom is the strain of ‘Discosoma’ which single handedly showed us that mushroom anemones could be a striking aquarium animal and that Corallimorphs have plenty of strains worth collecting. The new Eclectus mushrooms from Bali aquarium raise the bar once…

Skullcandy mushroom anemone raises the bar for incredible Discosoma

If you needed any indication that mushroom anemones still have a lot to offer reef aquarists in terms of amazing color and pattern, you need look no further than Cherry Coral’s exciting Skullcandy Discosoma shrooms. At first glance the Skullcandy shrooms…

The Shroom Room reminds us why we love Corallimorphs so much

We recently discovered an awesome Facebook group simply titled “The Shroom Room“. This is an open venue where reef aquarists can share the love for mushroom corals (corallimorphs) through photos and discussion, and there’s a lot of it. As you…

Crazy Vietnamese Rhodactis come in a rainbow of color

When Dreamcorals announced the availability of ‘very special Rhodactis’ on it’s sponsored part of the Dutch Marine Forums, we were surprised to see a picture of mushroom anemones which we indeed had never seen before. And not only that, they…

A rainbow of Ricordea

Florida ricordea, Ricordea floridea, are one of the staple corals that come from the oceans south of my back yard in the Florida Keys. They are a type of soft coral that occur in shallow waters on Caribbean reefs. Generally they…

Predatory Ricordea yuma comes to life in time lapse feeding video

We are graced today with a second exceptional marine aquarium video, this time featuring a Ricordea chomping on some pelleted coral food. We’ve all seen videos of LPS corals mowing down pelleted food, Scolies are exceptionally fun to do this with since…

Jawbreaker mushroom anemone is the most incredible captive strain of Corallimorph

The Jawbreaker mushroom anemone is a corallimorph that has persisted as a desirable aquarium species in the American reef scene and is still highly sought after by collectors of brightly colored corals. If someone had told us 15 years ago that…

Is it an egg? Is it an anemone? No, it’s a Discosoma sanctithomae mushroom anemone

Discosoma sanctithomae are probably my favorite of all the of unique corals that come out of the Caribbean. They occur in an amazing array of colors and have such interesting bubbly tentacles. Some Discosoma sanctithomae mushrooms even have sharp, spikey…