The China International Pet Show towards the end of last year is a show so huge and sprawling that it literally took two videos just to bring you part of it. While the first video was mostly freshwater fish, the…
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Video Tour of China’s Biggest Aquarium Show, CIPS part 1
If there’s one thing about the reef aquarium hobby that doesn’t even compare to the freshwater world, it’s the huge number of competitions in various parts of the hobby. Sure we’ve got some localized coral grow-out challenges but it’s not…
The Perks of Using A Digital Water Flow Meter
When I first started using the Corrente Flowmeter by Perfect Reef Systems, I couldn’t have known how much I would really fall in love with this device. Having the Corrente installed on my main reef display’s primary return pump for…
Coral Eye Candy Overload From ReefAPalooza Orlando
There’s no question about it — Reefapalooza is part of a small group of reef shows that have become an annual – cultural phenomenon. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, reefing is a social hobby — there’s…
EcoReef Two: This is what a Reef Tank Looks Like With NO Filter
The concept of having ‘no filter’ in a reef aquarium generally applies to tanks that are run naturally, with a significant amount of sand and a lots of live rock. The sand and rock constitute a significant natural biological filter but…
Unique Corals Amazeballs Goni is the ‘Homewrecker’ of Flowerpot Corals
It seems like flowerpot corals, Goniopora or gonies for short, have been on the verge of a tipping point in popularity for quite some time now. We’ve always had pretty good access to nicely colored Gonies in green, red and blues,…
Teleport Yourself to Reefapalooza With Our Saturday & Sunday Livestream Videos
Just as expected, Reefapalooza was a most excellent reef aquarium show brimming with reefers, interesting new gear, and exciting livestock. We don’t want to say this show is as good as it’s going to get, but it’s really hard to…
Snapshots of My Own Personal Reef and Planted Tanks
If there’s one thing that you should know about me by now, it’s that I really really love aquariums, especially my own tanks. I miss them when I’m traveling, even if for just a few days. There’s a webcam setup to…
Top Five Tips to Have a Really Really Clean Looking Aquarium
Reef tanks, like natural coral reefs, can vary widely in their appearance; some places like oceanic islands the water is crystal clear and there’s not that much nutrients to fuel brown soft corals or algae growth in the first place.…
Five Reasons Sponges Are BAD For A Coral Reef Aquarium
Sponges are some of the most remarkable life forms that we can encounter in the ocean. These resilient and diverse ‘creatures’ are not quite single celled, not quite organisms, but colonies of single cells all working together. The can be…