
Canadians warned not to flush ‘invasive’ goldfish

Tell your neighbor not to flush that darn goldfish. As aquarists we need to do our job to help educate people about our hobby and as this report from Alberta, Canada shows, flushing a goldfish down the toilet has dire…

Rare Madagascar Clownfish Offered via eBay

Last year, Ross DeAngelis caught the attention of clownfish enthusiasts with his announcement of success in breeding the very rare Madagascar Clownfish, Amphiprion latifasicatus. Many have speculated what would happen next, and this past week the first offering of this…

Is Japan really home to any endemic Fairy Wrasses? Cirrhilabrus katoi disagrees

The reefs of Japan are known to harbour unique fauna found nowhere else on this earth. Rife with endemics, species such as Centropyge interrupta, Chaetodon daedalma, Genicanthus takeuchii, Chromis mirationis and a whole hodgepodge of other reef fish call this…

Millions of tuna crabs wash ashore in Southern California

The warm water off the coast of California have driven millions of tiny, bright red tuna crabs ashore on Southern California beaches recently. Although they look like crawfish or mini lobsters, the pelagic red crabs are typically found along the…

Macronesia takes a closer look at octopuses

Scientist and marine conservation enthusiast Shane Siers has a fascinating website Macronesia to share his hobby of filming the underwater world. We came across his recent video on octopuses and were just mesmerized. If you are looking for a calming experience today,…

Unknown Mauritius Valenciennea sleeper goby spotted at Greenwich Aquaria

Sleeper gobies are large showy sand-sifting gobies of the genus Valenciennea, of which there are many popular species in aquariums. A newly discovered specimen from Mauritius hints that there could be yet another new addition to this highly desirable and attractive…

Massive migrating school of surgeonfish discovered in the Philippines

Two weeks ago, we were in the Philippines scouting for new and exciting corals to grow at the RVS 4-star Mariculture facility. While diving certain areas which have perhaps never been seen by humans using SCUBA equipment, we stumbled upon…

Acropora monticulosa is the ultimate ‘fractal’ stony coral

Acropora monticulosa is one of our favorite corals out on the reef, it grows to massive sizes and looks more or less like a huge living crystal when you see it in the wild. Due to its massive size and…

S.E.A’s coral reef display is a veritable kaleidoscope of beauty

Oh S.E.A. Where do we begin. In our travels we’re fortunate enough to visit a hodgepodge of public aquariums. Often times we get to see behind the scenes, to the heart of the facility, where the quiet humming of machines…

Papua New Guinean endemics on display by Paradise Aquariums at Aquarama 2015

Aquarama is a fish and accessories exhibition held biennially in Singapore, where exhibitors, exporters, industry authorities and hobbyists gather for a glimpse of the aquarium happenings in South-East Asia. Although Aquarama is mostly geared towards freshwater fish and their corresponding ribbon ponies, it…