Blue Light Nano Video and Answering Your Most FAQ

Some types of reef tanks require a regular maintenance schedule with careful attention to details, dosing, chemistry and plenty of cleaning of the glass, skimmer, detritus removal and water changes. Other setups like our Red Sea nano reef tank are…

Rocky Mountain Fish Filters is Bringing Disc Filters to Aquariums

Mechanical filtration is one of the most fundamental processes of purifying water whether it be for drinking purposes, for agriculture, or in our case for keeping aquarium clean and clear. In our reef tanks the function of mechanically cleaning aquarium…

Automatic Frozen Fish Food Feeder Dropping Summer 2022

The Automatic Frozen Fish Food Feeder (AF4) by InD Creations is a radical aquarium device which is slowly moving further away from a concept and inching ever closer to reality. This company and its device first hit our ‘new reef…

Dalmation Nurse Shark Spotted by Divers in Honduras

Sharks and their elasmobranch relatives are very conservative in their appearance and it’s a very rare sight to see specimens sporting anything but the standard appearance. Albino sharks and rays are almost unheard of in the wild and while we’ve…

Aquaman Knox Does a Video Deep Dive into Canister Filters

Since we are so deep into creating content for the reef aquarium hobby in terms of articles, videos and podcasts it’s always refreshing for us to see and hear what other aquarium veterans have to say about aquarium gear. One…

AquaMaxx Prism II LED Lights Coming in Four Sizes & Silver Finish

The AquaMaxx Prism II is the third generation of affordable strip lights from Bulk Reef Supply which offer a respectable amount of light and rich colorful spectrum at a price that will leave plenty in your budget to afford some…

Maxspect Jump SK-800 Skimmer Review [Video]

When companies aim to make a budget friendly or value conscious brand they often have to make a lot of compromises to get the total cost down in the final product but this trend doesn’t seem to apply to Maxspect’s…

A Great Technique for Shipping Delicate Coral Colonies

Shipping corals across and around the country is a feat that is performed thousands of times per day but it wasn’t always so, and it wasn’t always a great outcome. In the last twenty years the hobby has grown collectively…

Stands are the most Underrated Gear of Aquarium Keeping [Video]

There’s a lot of ‘sexy’ and exciting equipment and gear in the broader aquarium hobby but none is more overlooked yet more crucial than the venerable aquarium stand. Aquarists might put a lot of consideration and research into what kind…

Hyper Yellow Swissguard Basslet Lands at Abyss Aquatic Warehouse

The swissguard basslet, Liopropoma rubre, is a gorgeous Caribbean basslet that mostly gets overshadowed by the candy basslet and other deeper living species, but not this one. Liopropoma basslets are already pretty enough but it’s actually very rare to see unusual…