A trip down memory lane of Ecotech Marine VorTech pump controllers

As Ecotech Marine celebrates ten years of business in the reef aquarium scene, I am reminded of how I came to know the once scrappy three young founders Tim, Pat, Justin and first employee Mark. The company cut its teeth…

Friday Smorgasbord: Tracy Morgonian gets Incognito Sofa Love, gray whales, atolls and more

Hey! It’s Friday and that means another fresh edition of the Friday Smorgasbord fresh out of the oven. This week we have a few good nuggets including an audio post, whales and coral atolls. Let’s get the party started right…

The What and When of Feeding Saltwater Fish

Feeding time is one of the most rewarding aspects of keeping saltwater fish. Let’s face it, fish don’t exactly reciprocate affection the way dogs and cats do. The closest we can really get to interacting with them is when we…

Hybrid swallowtail angelfish has great potential for unexpected mature coloration

Another day and we have another hybrid angelfish to report. This particular specimen is a cross between swallowtail angelfish, Genicanthus lamarcki and G. melanospilos. Currently this hybrid swallowtail angelfish is of muted appearance, a nothing more than a curiosity to…

Corals of the World Online gets a beautiful and speedy website refresh

Corals of the World Online which replaced the indispensable CoralSearch a couple of years ago has already received a facelift of its own. The new cleaner layout has mostly familiar elements but the one thing that is greatly noticeable right…

9 Tips to Maintain a Healthy Marine Fish Aquarium

There’s no better teacher than experience, and with nearly a half century of saltwater aquarium keeping under his belt, Richard “Dick” Hilgers certainly has plenty of experiences to share! Currently the owner of The Cultured Reef, a coral-aquaculture facility located…

The Wonders of Vinegar for Aquarium Cleaning

Though the saltwater aquarium hobby certainly has its share of costly, high-tech equipment and gadgetry, not all the tools we use are quite so complicated. In fact, one aquarium-maintenance workhorse not only costs next to nothing, but is also about…

Centropyge debelius, rare look at the blue Mauritius angelfish

Centropyge debelius is one of the least well known species of pygmy angelfish and as rare as we make it out to be, a few are collected here and there in Mauritius. As you might expect, the Blue Mauritius Angelfish…

GloFish Sunburst and Moonrise bring more designer fish to freshwater

GloFish are cool. There, we said it, and now surely the pitchforks and the sickles are coming out as you prepare to burn us at the stake, but hear us out. Two new varieties of GloFish were just announced, the GloFish Sunburst…