Reef Pro Loves Liopropoma Basslets as Much as We Do!

The Liopropoma basslets are some of the most interesting and colorful fish usually found on deeper reefs and for that we’ve written about them countless times over the years. But the problem with enjoying these slender basslets is not admiring these…

Zebra Seahorse, Real Hippocampus Zebra Collected in Western Australia!

Zebra seahorses are a fish that seems like it shouldn’t exist but it does, barely. What we mean by that is that there are examples of seahorses in the wild with perfect black and white stripes, one species is even…

Flathead Perch Captive Bred in Western Australia

The flathead perch has been an elusive species to find, both for divers on the natural reef and for fish keepers in the saltwater aquarium hobby. The unique and interesting appearance of Rainfordia opercularis, has made it a target of…

Prognathodes “basabei” in serene Kyoto

Once regarded as the former capital of Japan, Kyoto relinquished its title to the anagrammatic Tokyo in 1868. Today, Kyoto is known for its serene and tranquil landscapes peppered extensively with shinto shrines, temples and historical culture. This geographical icon of…

Liopropoma fasciatum takes the title of 2014’s fish of the year

At the close of each year we religiously run through the stories of months past and gather up our favourites, condensing some of the best stories from various categories for a year in review. Although it is pretty standard to put…

Behind the face of LiveAquaria – Kevin Kohen’s fish collection part 1

Any saltwater hobbyist worth his salt or doesn’t live under a rock surely knows about LiveAquaria. On this post MACNA trip, we managed to visit their facility and caught up with Kevin Kohen, the man behind the company. Seeing as we’ve already covered…

Digiman revisits BlueHarbor and closes 2013 with a spectacular bang

We are closing this year with one last travel story and it’s contributed again by rare fish expert Digiman from Singapore. Following up on his Hong Kong trip, Digiman visited Japan as a final pit stop to his year end…

Tour de BlueHarbor – Part 2. Fixing a deepwater malady

This is the second and final installment to the two part BlueHarbor tour visit. In this article, we visit one of Koji’s customers with perhaps the biggest and most impressive collection of deepwater fish ever. Rare fish aficionados, you do…

The top four breakthrough exciting reef aquarium fishes of 2011

2011 has been a fantastic year for aquarium reef fish enthusiasts. Not only have we seen a great deal of exceptional fishes in terms of rarity and beauty, we’ve also scouted some potential would-be aquarium staples in the near future.…

Video of tiny radiated filefish turned out accidentally awesome

[youtube width=”680″ height=”400″][/youtube] If you thought that radiated filefish, Acreichthys radiatus, were cute in pictures, just wait until you see the tiny one in the video above swimming through one of Kevin Kohen’s awesome small office reef tanks. Just because he works…