Adventures in fluorescent photography in the Flores Sea

On our recent diving marathon during the Fluval Sea Flores Expedition, we brought with us many different tools for sampling and observing the natural reef environment. One particularly special device which we came into possession just in time for our travel…

The Powder Blue Tang: An Iconic Beauty Demanding Exceptional Care

The powder blue tang (Acanthurus leucosternon) is a breathtakingly beautiful, widely recognized (even among non-hobbyists) marine fish that can be a real pain to maintain in aquaria. While it is possible to keep one successfully under ideal conditions, most specimens…

Navigobius dewa is the undisputed queen of dart fishes

The pseudo-legendary Navigobius dewa weaved its way into the hearts of rare fish lovers alike back in 2009 when it was described, with its scintillating, almost alien-techno-raver-laser pink and purple coloration. Since then, very few pieces have entered the trade,…

5 Ways Hobbyists Misuse Grazing Marine Snails

Of all the fascinating invertebrates available to marine aquarists, grazing snails are perhaps the most misused. Too often we treat them like expendable little lawnmowers, plopping them in our tanks with the express purpose of preventing or eradicating algae and…

Why it Pays to Plan Your Marine Aquarium Based on Mature Fish Size

You’re shopping at your LFS when you come across a juvenile specimen of a fish you’d love to buy but know you don’t have the tank space to accommodate once it reaches maturity. To justify the purchase, you think to…

Do You Need a Chiller for Your Marine Aquarium?

In a previous post titled “Turning Up the Heat on Tropical Saltwater Aquariums,” I explained that it’s important to maintain a stable water temperature somewhere in the range of 76° and 80°F in marine tanks, and that using a quality…

Elasmobranch Enthusiasts (Part 1): Modern Husbandry – Space

From the ferocious great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) to the graceful white-spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari), Elasmobranchii are a diverse group of boneless fishes that are circumglobal, inhabiting a diverse array of habitats, temperature ranges, salinity, and niches in the…

5 Marine Aquarium Misconceptions I No Longer Espouse

Casting my mind back on my early days as a marine aquarium keeper, it’s funny how some of my stances on various aspects of the hobby have, shall we say, evolved in the intervening years. Of course, these changing opinions…

The Kole Tang: A Commendable Surgeonfish for Medium-Sized Aquariums

Among the so-called bristletooths of the genus Ctenochaetus is one of my favorite tang species and one that I highly recommend to other hobbyists with well-established, medium-sized to moderately large systems—the Kole tang (Ctenochaetus strigosus). Physical traits C. strigosus, which…

D-D makes official statement on Powerchrome T5 tubes

During Interzoo Giesemann announced a new line of Powerchome T5 bulbs that had current D-D/Giesemann Powerchrome T5 owners and distributors scratching their heads a bit. We received an official statement from D-D in the form of an FAQ we shared below. Back…