Transfer Your Freshwater Skills And Setup Your First Saltwater Aquarium

Making the switch from freshwater to a saltwater aquarium is easier than you think. If you already have the skills to maintain a freshwater aquarium you only need to familiarize yourself with a few new techniques, additives, and saltwater aquarium…

Could Artificial Upwelling Help Reduce Coral Stress During A Bleaching Event?

We’ve often pondered, would pumping cold water up from the deep help corals during a bleaching event? It seems we’re not the only one to ask this question, as a new study published this week tests the hypothesis.  A study…

An overview of 3D Printing in the reef aquatics hobby

There comes a time in this hobby that something breaks, or a custom solution is needed, and you wish you can just make it like a scene in some old science fiction movie.  For my last tank build, I needed…

Worldwide Corals is Sharing Their Reefing Style Through Aquarium Maintenance

Worldwide Corals has been building world-class reef aquarium displays in their retail stores for over a decade, introducing a whole generation to their unique style of presenting the most colorful corals in the world. For years WWC only took on…

Takaki’s Japanese ‘Nature Aquarium’ Style Reef Tank

Calling all freshwater planted tank aquarists, we need more of you in the saltwater hobby!! If this beautiful split tank design is any indication of how the mind of planted hobbyist translates to the saltwater world… Join us!! Takaki Yagisawa…

Dream Aquascapes is a Whole New Kind of Handmade Reef Rock

Dream Aquascapes is a new company building and designing reef rock structures that are undeniably works of art. Made with slabs of mined limestone and attached together with sinuous pillars and curving arches of solid mortar, these reef aquarium structures…

300 Days of Cruise Control on this 1-Day Nano Reef Tank [VIDEO]

Many decades ago, the most common tip you would get about building a saltwater aquarium was to start with the ‘largest tank you can afford’. In those early days when keeping a saltwater tank was as much luck as it…

Meet Tyler’s Coastal Lagoon Gorgonian Reef Tank

Tyler aka Inland_Reef on Instagram set up this 42g coastal lagoon Gorgonian tank and you know we just had to learn more. Gorgonians are truly an under-appreciated coral, and it takes a skilled aquarist to make these somewhat dull corals…

Upgrade Your Aquarium With The Hydor Setlz D Return Pump

As your aquarium grows and more importantly your livestock collection grows, it’s inevitable water becomes dirty through feeding and waste. Filtration and flow is a great place to start when you’re ready to start upgrading your aquarium gear. The Seltz…

Gaze Into This Crystal Reef Ball by Mini Ecossistemas Brazil

We’ve looked into a crystal ball, and this is what our future holds. A thriving mini-ecosystem contained in the most mystical crystalline orb. We were spellbound by this “show de bola” saltwater crystal ball and reached out to Flávio Akira…