In Praise of Fish Oil

Hobby pioneer Paul “Paul B” Baldassano has some strong opinions on what types of foods are best for fish, formed over his many decades of involvement in the marine aquarium hobby. Somewhere near the top of his list is fish…

Australia Seeks Corporate Sponsors for Great Barrier Reef

The Australian government is turning to corporate sponsorships and partnerships to help raise funds to deliver conservation projects on the Great Barrier Reef. While this is a unique way of infusing capital into much needed programs, many are wondering if companies could…

Fluorescent Friday: Cycloseris edition

Disc corals are some of the most recognizable corals on the reef, and some of the most popular coral animals for the home aquarium. Disc corals in all their various forms are easy to keep, come in a bewildering array…

Jebao Gyre pump knock-off surfaces as Jecod ‘Cross-Flow Wave Pump’

The Jebao/Jecod ‘Cross-Flow’ Wave Pump’ has appeared, verifying the rumors that Jebao had already developed a knock-off of the MaxSpect Gyre pump. Jebao’s Cross-Flow Wave Pump will be available in two sizes, the Jecod CP-45 with 45 watts of power…

Top 15 new reef fish species of 2015

This has been a very big year for new fish species, both described and discovered. Normally we finish up each year with a ‘Top 10’ new species but 2015 was so well endowed with fish being inducted into the hall…

The Best Beginner Large-Polyp Stony Corals

Throughout my years as an aquarium enthusiast, I have followed all the advice from all the books I could get my hands on since there were no other hobbyists with the same interest as I in my circle of friends…

The tiny Hairy Octopus is an irresistible puffball of cuteness

The tiny Hairy Octopus is one of the cutest creatures we have come across, and at around 5cm (2inch) long, you won’t want to blink or you might miss it. This well disguised cephalopod gets it names from the long ‘hairy’…

Stereonephthya, portrait of an uncommon soft coral

Stereonephthya is an uncommon soft coral which is seriously underrated, both as an aquarium coral, and as a unique member of the coral reef community. The simplest way to describe Stereonephthya is that it’s the lovechild of photosynthetic Nephthea and…

More Gift Ideas for the Reefkeeper in Your Life

Let’s face it, if we marine aquarists had our way, every gift we received during the holiday season would be hobby-related. Trouble is, ours is such a specialized pastime that few, if any, of our loved ones really understand it…

Reliable Marine Aquarium Reference Sources

“Research the characteristics and care requirements of any fish or invertebrate you plan to keep.” “Studying the fundamentals of saltwater aquarium keeping before setting up your first system is a hallmark of success.” We’ve dispensed advice like this time and…