The tiny Hairy Octopus is an irresistible puffball of cuteness

The tiny Hairy Octopus is one of the cutest creatures we have come across, and at around 5cm (2inch) long, you won’t want to blink or you might miss it. This well disguised cephalopod gets it names from the long ‘hairy’…

Stereonephthya, portrait of an uncommon soft coral

Stereonephthya is an uncommon soft coral which is seriously underrated, both as an aquarium coral, and as a unique member of the coral reef community. The simplest way to describe Stereonephthya is that it’s the lovechild of photosynthetic Nephthea and…

More Gift Ideas for the Reefkeeper in Your Life

Let’s face it, if we marine aquarists had our way, every gift we received during the holiday season would be hobby-related. Trouble is, ours is such a specialized pastime that few, if any, of our loved ones really understand it…

Reliable Marine Aquarium Reference Sources

“Research the characteristics and care requirements of any fish or invertebrate you plan to keep.” “Studying the fundamentals of saltwater aquarium keeping before setting up your first system is a hallmark of success.” We’ve dispensed advice like this time and…

Reef Builders Indonesia Travelogue – Menjangan Island and Permuteran Bay

Last week we had the opportunity to dive the North West coast of Bali. We did two spectacular wall dives off Menjangan Island and visited the Bio-Rock reef project in Permuteran Bay. First up Menjangan Island is located 5km (3 miles) off  shore from…

4.0 Cirrhilabrus laboutei & the Origins of Fairy Wrasse Diversity

At last, we’ve reached the thrilling conclusion to this comprehensive review of Fairy Wrasse evolution, and it’s time to once more dwell upon the topic of the group’s origins. As we’ve previously discussed, this enormously diverse genus can be comfortably categorized…

Why Isn’t Cryptocaryon irritants a Major Problem for Wild Marine Fish?

During yesterday’s Thanksgiving get-together, which my wife and I host for my side of the family every year, a teenaged nephew asked me about marine ich (Cryptocaryon irritans)—the one fish disease he’s heard something about from a friend who keeps…

Reef Builders Indonesia Travelogue – Bali Aquarium Serangan Coral Farm

Staring out to sea only a few short kilometers from the hustle and bustle of Denpasar Indonesia, it would be easy to miss what is going on beneath the surface. Above, you would notice surfers paddling between crashing waves and fishermen wading out…

These Friday deals will make you slap your caudal fin

We started the tradition six years ago bringing you a heaping helping of Black Friday deals and this year is no different. In fact, we took the pulse of our readers to get an eye on what they are looking…

Finding Dory Release Announced—Is a P. hepatus Craze in Our Future?

Well, the word is out that Finding Dory, the long-anticipated sequel to Disney/Pixar’s Finding Nemo, is finally slated for release in June of 2016. If the impact of the sequel is anything like that of the original—a lot of youngsters…